Delta-DOR SIG: Report of the Fall 2007 Meeting Heppenheim, Germany October 5th, 2007 Roberto Maddè ESA/ESOC
SEA Area MID-TERM REPORT SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 1.Delta-DOR SIG Goal: Standarising cross-support for Delta-DOR measurements – Organise a WG for that Working Status: Active _X_ Idle ____ Summary progress: agreement reached on WG charter; definition of TOC for the books to be written Progress since last meeting: WB finalised Problems and Issues: none status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Comment: Need to start a WG on the subject. Agreements reached.
Executive Summary The Charter for the proposed WG has been discussed and finalised The TOC of the proposed Magenta and Green Books has been discussed and agreed; responsibilities and roles for the Magenta Book preparation have been distributed and agreed. The support of 3 agencies to the proposed WG has been assessed (NASA and JAXA have to formally state their support) Roles and responsibilities for the Magenta Book have been agreed The schedule and milestones for the books preparation have been agreed Suggestions coming from NASA, JAXA and ESA presentations have been collected and will be inserted in the coming books, as required
Summary of Goals and Deliverables Delta-DOR Operations White Book has been reviewed and completed, with the received RIDs. New deliverables have been spotted, if the SIg is turned into a WG: A Magenta Book - The Proposed Recommended Practice (Magenta Book) will address aspects of the technique that would require standardization in order to enable Delta-DOR interoperability among space agencies A Green Book - The Proposed Green Book will contain all the descriptive material which is needed, in order to introduce the technique Validation of inter-operability between the NASA Delta-DOR system and the ESA Delta-DOR system has continued. Plans for inter-operability between NASA and JAXA and ESA and JAXA have been drafted
Progress Achieved – agreed schedule DateMilestone October 2007WG kick-off (if approved) April 2008 Draft “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” Magenta Book for the CCSDS 2008 Spring meeting August 2008 Revised draft “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” Magenta Book for Agency review Fall 2008 Second issue of “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” after Agency review for CCSDS 2008 Fall Meeting Discussion on “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book and work distribution December 2008 Finalised review and issue “Delta-DOR recommended practice for cross support” Magenta Book April 2009 Draft “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book for CCSDS 2009 Spring meeting July 2009 Revised draft “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book Fall 2009 Finalised review and issue “Delta-DOR technical characteristics and performance” Green Book for CCSDS 2009 Fall meeting
Progress Achieved – Magenta Book TOC ESA will be the Editor of the 2 foreseen books Table of contents for the Magenta Book: General introduction Introductory chapter, derived from current ch. 2 of the WB End-to-end description, based on current ch. 3 of the WB Interfaces description and references to existing/to be updated Blue Books (RM) Configuration of the Delta-DOR measurement Station and spacecraft parameters Orbit ephemeris parameters Scheduling Data transfer procedures Correlation process parameters Operational validation aspects Interagency data exchange procedures Interoperability validation process Quasar catalogue implementation, validation and maintenance
Progress Achieved – Green Book TOC Draft table of contents of the Green Book: Overview of the process Theoretical background System rationale and trade-offs Description of existing systems Achievable performance Delta-DOR related techniques Phase referencing Same Beam Interferometry The table of contents will be finalised in the Fall 2008 Meeting Roles and responsibilities will be defined in the Fall 2008 Meeting
Open Issues The planned work can be done provided that the current SIG is turned into a WG
Risk Management Update No risk has been highlighted Resources may be an issue, in the future
Cross Area WG / BOF Issues Interactions with MOIMS, SLS and CSS are anticipated However, concerning SLS interface, for the preparation of the proposed books, it is foreseen to: First discuss within the WG, including feedback with transponder, Ground station and spectrum management specialists Later, discuss with SLS-RNG MOIMS-NAV: the current OEM and TDM formats appear adequate for the SIG/WG scopes CSS: first a Common Data Format (CDF) may be defined, within the WG, and then contacts can be set up