Target - Monday, April 21 st, 2014 Figurative Language – Copy sentences and choose the best answer. 1.Problem: What activity is the author describing The violets bowed their heads. a.The violets looking down b.The violets wilting c.The violets blooming d. The violets waking up HW: See Agenda
AGENDA – Monday, April 21st Homework 1)Read Daily 30 minutes 2)Little Red Book, Sentence Fragments, Read pages , complete page 27#1-10, 588, 10. Fragments, Page 30, Mixed Review, A B. Complements, ) Grammar Quizzes: (See Prizes/reward for most quizzes completed) 3. Spelling Quizzes: (Moore Bucks) Notes/Reminders: CRCT Dates: April 30 th – May 6 Classwork: 1)Common Assessment #4. - Use Notebook Paper.
AGENDA – Friday, April 18 th Homework 1) Read Daily 30 minutes 2) Grammar Quizzes: (See Prizes/reward for most quizzes completed) 3. Spelling Quizzes: (Moore Bucks) Notes/Reminders: CRCT Dates: April 30 th – May 6 Classwork: 1)Team-Games Tournaments (TGT) Rules Point System Study (5 minutes) Let the Games Begin!
Target - Thursday, April 17 th, 2014 Copy and select the correct meaning of the word. Then confirm the meaning by checking the sentence’s context. Stodgy a.Heavy, dull b.Fat, overweight Sentence: She had trouble getting through the stodgy Biology Book. HW: See Agenda
AGENDA – Thursday, April 17 th Homework 1) Read Daily 30 minutes 2) Grammar Quizzes: (See Prizes/reward for most quizzes completed) 3. Spelling Quizzes: (Moore Bucks) Notes/Reminders: CRCT Dates: April 30 th – May 6 Classwork: 1.Review and Correct Language Arts Activity Center #1 2.Argumentative Papers – review, share.
Target - Monday, April 14 th, 2014 Copy and select the correct meaning for the underlined word. 1.She was greatly piqued when they refused her invitation. a.A feeling of excitement b.A feel of irritation or resentment c.A feel of anger HW: 1 ) Read daily 30 minutes. 2) Practice Quizzes on Teacher Website.
AGENDA – Monday, April 14 th Notes/Reminders: CRCT Dates: April 30 th – May 6 Centers start tomorrow (if you do not have a folder, your work cannot be graded or counted without one) Classwork: 1. Common Assessment #3 Review (Group) 1.(continued) Team ELA testing practice. If you were out the Friday before spring break, please wait to be assigned a group by Mrs. Santiago.
Target - Wednesday, April 2 nd, 2014 Copy and select the correct spelling for the definitions. 1.To overcome or take control of a.Conker b.Conquer c.Conquere 2.Just;only a.Merly b.Meerly c.Merely HW: 1. Read daily 30 minutes.
AGENDA – Wednesday, April 2nd Notes/Reminders: Classwork: 1.QUIZ - CRCT Coach Book Complete pages 20-39, 42-85, notebook paper (ANSWERS ONLY). 2.Review Common Assessment #3
Target - Tuesday, April 1 st, 2014 Copy and determine for the sentences below, which has the correct sentence structure. Justify response. 1.I really would like to have a hot yummy sausage pizza tonight. 2.I really would like to have a hot, yummy sausage pizza tonight. HW: 1. Read daily 30 minutes.
AGENDA – Tuesday, April 1 st Notes/Reminders: Media Center book/return checkout Please bring back BIG RED BOOK no later then Wednesday,4/2. Classwork: 1. QUIZ - CRCT Coach Book Complete pages 20-39, 42-85, notebook paper (ANSWERS ONLY).
Target Monday March 31 st, 2014 Copy and determine for the sentences below, which has the correct sentence structure. Justify response. 1.Let’s go watch the movie at the new drive-in movie theatre. 2.Let’s go watch the movie at the new, drive-in movie theatre. HW: 1. Read daily 30 minutes.
AGENDA – MONDAY, MARCH 31 ST. Notes/Reminders: Book Report Due: Last day to turn in. Media Center book/return checkout: Tuesday, April 1 Please bring back BIG RED BOOK no later then Wednesday,4/2. Classwork: 1. Review Mid-term, go over answers before turning in final copy – ask any questions now. There is no retake. 2. CRCT Coach Book – CRCT Preparation. Complete pages 20-39, notebook paper. 3. We will go over answers before end of class.
Target Thursday, March 27 th, 2014 Copy the sentences below and decide which sentence is correct. Justify response. 1.The hot, July breeze warmed my skin. 2.The hot July breeze warmed my skin. HW: 1. Work on Book Report
Agenda – Thursday, March 27 th This Week Notes/Reminders: Book Report Due: Friday, March 28 th Interim Exam – Friday Classwork: 1. Review HW Pgs , 609, #8, p Present - Argumentative paper supporting verdict – Typhoid Mary. 3. Skill builder Workbook, 32, 34,35 A & B.
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Target Tuesday, March 26 th, 2014 Copy the sentences below and decide which sentence is correct. 1.The violist played a beautiful, haunting melody. 2.The violist played a beautiful haunting melody. HW: 1. Complete any missed homework assignments from Little Red Book. Pgs , 609, #8, p Work on Book Report
Agenda – Tuesday, March 25 th This Week Notes/Reminders: Book Report Due: Friday, March 28 th Centers: Next Week Common Assessment #3 – Friday Classwork: 1. Handout: Let’s Talk about text. 2. Type Argumentative paper supporting verdict – Typhoid Mary.
Target Tuesday, March 25 th, 2014 Copy all sentence(s) below, and identify and correct the misplaced and/or *dangling modifiers in the sentences below. 1.The torn employee’s handbook lay on the table. 2.I ate a hot dish of oatmeal for dinner last night. 3.The car dealer sold the Jetta to the college student with black seats. 4.When nine years old, my father enrolled in college. HW: 1. Complete any missed homework assignments from Little Red Book. Pgs , 609, #8, p Work on Book Report
Agenda – Tuesday, March 25 th This Week Notes/Reminders: Book Report Due: Friday, March 28 th Centers: Wednesday-Thursday Common Assessment #3 – Friday Classwork: 1.Review Homework , #3 PRACTICEAND APPLY #1-10, PAGE 609, #8 SENTENCE STRUCTURE, #1-10, p Finish - Write Argumentative paragraph supporting Verdict. 3. Skill builder Workbook, 32, 34,35 A & B.
Target Answers 1.The employee’s torn handbook lay on the table. 2.I ate a dish of hot oatmeal for dinner last night. 3.The car dealer sold the Jetta with black seats to the college student. 4.When I was nine years old, my father enrolled in college. *answers may vary slightly when correcting dangling modifiers.
Target Monday, March 24 th, 2014 Copy all sentence(s) below, and identify and correct the misplaced modifier in the sentence below. 1.On her way home from work, Sarah found a silver man’s ring. 2.HW: READ PAGES , , COPY SENTENCES AND COMPLETE PAGE 146, Mixed Review, A. Using Modifiers 1-10, B. Choosing the Right Modifier, 1-5.
Agenda – Monday, March 24 th This Week Notes/Reminders: Book Report Due: Friday, March 28 th Centers: Wednesday-Thursday Common Assessment #3 – Friday Classwork: 1.Review Homework , #3 PRACTICEAND APPLY #1-10, PAGE 609, #8 SENTENCE STRUCTURE, # Read Informational Text: Typhoid Mary, Bridges to Literature, page Argumentative Topic: Guilty or Not Guilty 4.(LA 3) Write Argumentative paragraph supporting Verdict. 5.Skill builder Workbook, 32, 34,35 A & B.