Marek Frankowicz
Top-down We have an idea of a new program We formulate program learning outcomes We divide the program into modules We develop module/course learnig outcomes We check for consistency Bottom-up We formulate program learning outcomes (on the basis of existing courses) We design a competence matrix We iterate/optimize our program
Describe what the learner can accomplish as a result of completing a program They should be aligned with the institution’s mission They should focus on broad conceptual knowledge and higher order skills They represent the minimum requirements to complete a program 3
Describe what the learner can accomplish as a result of completing a module They should be aligned with the program LO They represent the minimum requirements to complete a module 4
1. Determine need and potential 2. Define the profile and the key competences 3. Formulate programme LO 4. Decide whether modularise or not 5. Identify competences and LO for each module/course unit 6. Determine the approaches to teaching, learning and assessment 7. Check whether the key generic and subject specific competences are covered 8. Describe the programme and the course units 9. Check balance and feasibility 10. Implement, monitor and improve 5
WRITE Step 1. Formulate: What? Subject-related content in LO Step 2. Formulate: How? The format of LO (active verbs etc.) REVISE Step 3. Focus distinguish between LO and other descriptions Step 4. Specify make LO observable and clear Step 5. Refine distinguish between learning activities and results Step 6. Clarify vague outcomes Step 7. Limit the number of LO CHECK Step 8. Adjust check that LO can be assessed Step 9. Estimate student learning time Step 10. Calibrate check the module in relation to other modules 6
In general: three types Checking consistency of the program (how LO are covered by modules/courses) Determining the level of competences Determining expectations of teachers vs students and giving ways of assessment
Excellent performanceTypical performanceThreshold performance Highly developed critical approach to academic literature and other sources of information. Critical approach to academic literature and other sources of information. Basic approach to academic literature and other sources of information. Recognition and discussion of the moral and ethical dimensions of issues and investigations and the need for professional codes of conduct. Recognition of the moral and ethical dimensions of issues and investigations and the need for professional codes of conduct. Ability to describe the moral and ethical dimensions of issues and investigations and the need for professional codes of conduct. Highly developed ability to describe and record materials in the field and laboratory. Ability to describe and record materials in the field and laboratory. Basic ability to describe and record materials in the field and laboratory. Ability to interpret practical results with flair. Ability to interpret practical results in a logical manner. Basic ability to interpret practical results.
Types of Learning: Learning outcomes What is required from students? Examples of Assessment Thinking critically and making judgments Development of arguments, reflection, judgment, evaluation Essay, Report, Book review Solving problems/developing plans Identify problems, define problems, analyse data, review, design experiments, plan, apply information Problem scenario, Group Work, Work-based problem, Analyse a case, Conference paper (or notes for a conference paper plus annotated bibliography) Performing procedures and demonstrating techniques Take readings, use equipment, follow laboratory procedures, follow protocols, carry out instructions Demonstration, Role Play, Make a video (write script and produce/make a video), Produce a poster, Lab report Demonstrating knowledge and understanding (can be assessed in conjuntion with the above types of learning) Recall, describe, report, identify, recognise, recount, relate, etc. Written examination, Oral examination, Essays, Reports, Short answer questions, Mini tests
Write LO for two selected courses, relate them with program LO Remark: different levels of precision Program LO: is able to use basic software Course LO: is able to use MS Word Course unit/class LO: is able to work with large documents, create index, …
General introduction (yesterday) Program LO (today) Course LO (today) Discussion of today;s work (tomorrow) Assessment of LO (tomorrow)
LOSatisfactionImportance LO155 LO214 LO332 LO441 5 dimensions: 1.1st year students (expectations) 2.Higher years students (execution) 3.Graduates (suefulness) 4.Academic teachers (opinion) 5.Employers (opinion)
High S Low I Maybe restrict? High S High I Low S Low I Low S High I Intervention priority!