Chapter 51: Animal Behavior l Behavior = What an animal does and how it does it. Ultimate versus Proximate causation
Chapter 51: Animal Behavior l Fixed-action pattern (FAP) = highly stereotyped, innate behavior. Newly hatched chicks
Chapter 51: Animal Behavior l Optimal behavior = A behavior that maximizes individual fitness Songbird repertoires
Learning l Learning versus maturation Herring Gull Chick Feeding l Habituation = ignore irrelevant information. Grey Squirrels
Learning l Imprinting = learning limited to a specific time period, irreversible Imprinting stimulus and critical period l Associative learning: classical and operant conditioning
Animal Cognition l Cognition connects n.s. function with behavior l Cognition is ability of n.s. to perceive, store, process and use info gathered Migration
Social Behavior & Sociobiology l Agnostic behavior l Dominance hierarchies l Territoriality l Courtship (parental investment) l Inclusive fitness altruism (scrub jays)