Behavioral Biology Chapter 55
Behavior Two types of behavior: Learned Innate Instinctive, does not require learning
Innate Behavior Response to environmental changes Circadian rhythm Seasonal responses
Innate Behavior Communication between animals Pheromones Visual displays during courtship Species recognition calls
Innate Behavior Social behavior Agonistic behavior Dominance hierarchies Territoriality Altruistic behavior
Learning “Altered behavior as a result of previous experiences” There are four basic kinds of learning: Imprinting Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Insight
Imprinting “A rapid learning process by which a newborn or very young animal establishes a social attachment to other individuals that will influence behavior later in life”
Classical conditioning Also called Pavlovian conditioning Two different kinds of stimuli are given. The animal forms a connection between them.
Operant conditioning The animal learns to associate its behavior response with a reward or punishment B.F. Skinner and the Skinner box
Reinforcement In order for an animal to learn, they need reinforcement. There are 3 types: Positive Negative Punishment
Insight “The ability to figure out a behavior that will create a desired outcome”.
Nature vs Nurture Deals with the contribution that heredity makes to behavior