Social Ecology Honors Program and Excellence in Research Program Programs open to PSB majors
What is the Social Ecology Honors Program? advanced research experience structured two-year program followed by a three quarter participation in the School of Social Ecology’s Honors Seminar.
How do I get in the School's Honors Program? A 3.2 UC GPA and a 3.5 GPA in upper-division Social Ecology major courses (minimum of four such courses) at the end of winter quarter of their junior year Submission of a brief research proposal A letter of support from a Social Ecology faculty member who agrees to serve as mentor A commitment by the student to enroll in all three courses of the Honors Program sequence in the senior year (this means being in residence at UC Irvine all three quarters) An Unofficial copy of your UCI Transcript Applications due: Friday, May 23 at 5:00pm.
Requirements For Excellence in Research Program Successful completion of the Social Ecology Honors Program ▫Applications due in spring quarter of junior year. ▫Requirements for an application to the SE Honors program are in previous slide & ▫Completion of a faculty supervised research project during three quarters of the senior year. A research paper or a conference presentation (poster or oral) must be completed by the end of the senior year.
Requirements cont overall UC at the end of the senior year. Completion of SE10 (by fall of the junior year), SE13 (by winter of the junior year), SE111 (during winter of the junior year) and P190 (by end of the senior year) with "A" or "B" grade. Participation in mentored research during two quarters of the junior year.
Research Junior Year Find a faculty mentor Become involved in faculty directed research for two quarters. PSB faculty post research assistant positions on the PSB RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES WEBSITEPSB RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES WEBSITE Senior Year Perform mentored research while enrolled in the School of Social Ecology's honors seminar sequence (H190ABW) Submit a senior research thesis or a report at a scientific conference
Award Procedure At the end of the program (by Friday 5:00 pm 5th week of Spring Quarter) students need to submit an APPLICATION (PDF).APPLICATION (PDF) All students fulfilling the formal requirements will be awarded the certificate for "Psychology and Social Behavior Excellence in Research". The best student will be selected by a committee of PSB faculty based on their overall performance in the program and the senior research project and will receive a special recognition in the form of a $300 book store gift certificate. This additional honor will be noted on the PSB Excellence in Research award certificate. For further information please contact Joanne Zinger in the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior at
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