KEY M&E ISSUES FROM IFAD MISSION AND IDENTIFIED RESEARCH/ KNOWLEDGE GAPS Presentation by RTIMP December, 2011 Root and Tuber Improvement and Marketing Programme (RTIMP)
FOUR MAIN ISSUES FOR M & E Outcomes Linkages AWPB Success Stories
MAIN PRIORITIES FOR M & E AND STRATEGIES TO ADDRESS THEM PRIORITIESSTRATEGIESTIMELINE Linkages Facilitate regularity of meetings between M&E and component Specialists. Knowledge sharing meetings among projects On - going AWPB Implementation Develop a template to track implementation of AWPB Jan 2012 Success Stories Outcomes Midline survey to capture the major outcomes from which success stories will be written Pilot studies (POA) Mid line study April 2012 On-going
- Component A: Continuous operation of value chains -Component B: Productivity Adoption rate Decrease in disease incidence -Component C: Adoption rate of Improved processing tech. Increased Sales, performance of Business Major Outcomes Being Captured
OUTCOME INDICATORS AND PROCESSES TO TRACK THEM COMPONENT OUTCOMESPROCESSES TO TRACK A Continuous use of value chains Written Contracts/MOUs between producers and processors Regularity of Meetings between actors Compliance to terms of contract Profitability of GPCs. Increased supply of raw materials to the GPCs
OUTCOME INDICATORS AND PROCESSES TO TRACK THEM COMPONENT OUTCOMESPROCESSES TO TRACK B ProductivityConduct annual yield studies Adoption of improved root and tuber production technologies Conduct adoption rate studies Decrease in pest and disease incidence Conduct pest and disease surveillance
OUTCOME INDICATORS AND PROCESSES TO TRACK THEM COMPONENT OUTCOMES PROCESSES TO TRACK C Adoption rate of improved processing technologies. Collect data on number of processors using improved processing technologies Increased SalesSales record / turnover per season of processed goods Enhanced performance of businesses Record profitability and increase in assets
Others c. Format exists for reporting from district to zonal and PCO d. Analytical issues boarder on efficiency of implementation and sustainability e. M&E involved in data collection, processing and analysis f. Using all communication means available. These include quarterly and annual reports, documentaries, field visits for media houses and wide dissemination of mid line report g. Replicating best practices and reviewing implementation strategies
RESEARCH GAPS Determination of return / profit levels for actors along the chain Economic analysis of cassava variety across ecological zones and products eg Gari & Agbelima How improved cassava varieties are contributing to national food security and export revenue.
RESEARCH GAPS AND HOW TO ADDRESS THEM Key Research GapsMethodologiesPartnership Opportunities Next Steps Economic analysis of cassava variety across ecological zones and products eg Gari & Agbelima Undertake economic analysis study to indicate profitability of the various cassava varieties. Universities, Research Institutes. Learning from the experiences of other projects. Recruit a consultant/Impl ementing Partner to undertake exercise
RESEARCH GAPS AND HOW TO ADDRESS THEM Key Research Gaps MethodologiesPartnership Opportunities Next Steps Determination of return / profit levels for actors along the chain Participatory studies Eg.Case studies BACs of NBSSI Signing of MOUs.
RESEARCH GAPS AND HOW TO ADDRESS THEM Key Research GapsMethodologiesPartnership Opportunities Next Steps How improved cassava varieties are contributing to national food security and export revenue. Undertake a study using participatory tools. Universities, Research Institutes. Learning from the experiences of other projects. Recruit a consultant/Im plementing Partner to undertake exercise