Reconstruction Wade-Davis – Congressional Reconstruction Andrew Johnson vs. Radical Republicans Black Codes Congressional Reconstruction 13 th, 14 th, 15 th Amendments Sharecropping Crop Lien System KKK Election of 1876 Compromise of 1877 Redemption Freedmen
New South Compromise of 1877 – Hayes ordered the troops out of the South Laissez-faire White supremacy Landlords, merchants, industrialists dominated White Democrats controlled politics, manipulated voting. Jim Crow – Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Populism Late 19 th century – crop production increased Led to a drop in prices (overproduction) Farmers wanted more money in circulation (silver) Grange movement (cooperatives) Replaced by Farmers’ alliances (grew to the People’s Party) 1896 – backed W.J.B. Cross of Gold Speech Populist party was divided, gone after 1896 Their influence was felt in the Progressive movement.
Progressive Movement Jacob Riis – “How the Other Half Lives” Urban, middle class movement Lincoln Steffens – corruption in municipal government Ida Tarbell – Standard Oil Upton Sinclair – meat packing 16 th, 17 th, 18 th, 19 th Amendments
The Machine Age ( ) Mass production/assembly line – impact on worker Vertical integration/Horizontal Consolidation Sherman Anti-Trust Act Social Darwinism Gospel of Wealth Political machines Haymarket Square Riot (1886) Homestead Strike (1892) Pullman Strike (1894) – In re Debs (1895)
Labor Unions With industrialization, the paternalistic family system of the farm disappeared – National Labor Union 1869 – Knights of Labor 1886 – American Federation of Labor 1902 – United Mine Workers strike for 1 ½ months (T.R. intervened) 1911 – Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire 1920s – Unions fall out of favor
1935 – Wagner Act/Congress of Industrial Organizations – Sit-down strike in Flint 1945 – Labor membership at an all time high 1947 – Taft-Hartley Act overrules many pro- labor elements of the Wagner Act.