1 st. Annual Southeast Region of CSI FY10 Incoming Board Orientation Session Presented by: José A. Guaty, CSI, CDT Southeast Region Institute Director & President April 24, 2009
Why are we here? New Beginning: New Governance Structure New Region Board Members New Region Board Task The Region Plan
New beginning? FY08 the Institute Board Voted to reduce the size of the Institute Board from a 29 members Board to a reduce more efficient Board of 18 members
New beginning? FY08 the Institute Members Voted to accept the change in board size reduction from a 29 members Board to a reduce more efficient Board of 18 members
Why does this affect us? 29 Member Board: Ten (10) Regions with two (2) Institute Directors from each of the ten (10) regions of CSI, for a total of twenty (20) Institute Directors The Region Institute Directors had dual rolls: Region Officers Institute Board Members 18 Member Board: Ten (10) Regions with one (1) Institute Directors from each of the ten (10) regions of CSI, for a total of ten (10) Institute Directors The Region Institute Directors will be responsible to: Institute Board Members Board Liaisons to the Region
Why does this affect us? Region Restructuring: With the Region Institute Directors responsibilities shifting to Institute Board activities the regions had to reconfigure their governance in order to meet this change. The Southeast Region Governance Task Team presented to the FY09 Board a New Governance Structure change at the Board Meeting held in Orlando, Florida September Board approved 09/09 Region members Approved November 2009 New SER Board Structure: President President-Elect Secretary/Treasurer Six (6) Region District VP’s District 1 Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Puerto Rico District 2 Florida Southwest, Suncoast, Tampa Bay District 3 Greater Orlando, Jacksonville, Tallahassee District 4 Atlanta, Greenville District 5 Charleston, Columbia, Grand Strand District 6 Charlotte, Triad, Raleigh-Durham Institute Board Liaison (non-voting)
Why does this affect us? Financial implications: With the Region Director not having Region business as a function of his or her official duty description, the Institute will not fund directors for region travel. The Regions Governance will conduct and fund all region business. Chapter Visits Region Leadership Training Region Conferences Region Orientations Region Planning meetings Region Board meeting Institute Liaisons visit expenses (face to face SER Board meeting only)
Now What? The Good News: The Institute Board at its November 2009 board meeting voted to accept and implement two important recommendations that would directly help the Regions be more self-sufficient and proactive. Region membership: The Board voted to implement policy to establish membership in the Regions of CSI. Affiliated and Non-Affiliated members Region funding: The Board voted to establish an RAP (Region Allocation Program) 7% of the membership Institute Dues will be allocated and sent to the region treasurer as members within the designated Regions pay their Institute dues. Affiliated & Non-Affiliated members
Now What? RAP Funding: The RAP (Region Allocation Program) comes with some strings attached. The Regions will have to justify on a yearly basses how they are using the funding to advance the mission of the Institute and the progression of the Region. Region Responsibility & Accountability Task Team (RRATT): This Institute Task Team is finalizing the Region RAP Evaluation process to be presented to the Institute Board this June 2009 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Governance structure Administration Financial stability and accounting practices Chapter assistance and leadership training Overall region communications
Now What? The Good News: The SER Governance Structure has been completed and in place. All SER Board members are in place - Yes You! New SER By-Laws have been modified, approved, and filed with Institute Secretary. The SER Funding via the Institute RAP will start on July 1, The SER FY10 Budget allocating all of the necessary expenses will be presented to the FY09 Board for approval next month.
Now What? The Bad News: The SER Governance Structure implementation has just begun. All SER Board members have to start working together in order to implement a plan of action and a future direction for the Southeast Region. New SER Operating Guide needs to be written. The VP’s duties as a chapter facilitator and mentor have to be defined. The SER FY10 Budget needs to be reviewed. The FY10 Region Conference & Leadership Training have to be planned. The Board meeting schedule has to be defined and scheduled.
CSI 360 Structure SER Institute Office Institute Liaison Institute Committees Institute Board
SER 360 Structure SER Chapters SER Board SER Committees SER VP’s
Photo by: José A. Guaty
SER Board SER Current By-Laws ARTICLE V – BOARD Section 1: The management and direction of the Region shall be delegated exclusively to its Board. Section 2: Board Members – The Board shall consist of the Region President, Region President-Elect, Region Secretary/Treasurer, and District Vice-Presidents as determined by the Board. The term of office for the Board shall coincide with the Institute's fiscal year and shall continue until their respective successors take office. The Institute Director will sit on the Board as a non-voting member for the duration of his/her term. Section 3: Duties – The Board shall have control and management of the affairs of the Region with authority to conduct the business of the Region. Section 4: Meetings – The Board shall hold at least one (1) Annual Board Meeting during the year, the time and place of which shall be fixed by the Board. Special meetings shall only be held upon the call of the President or a majority of the Board upon seven (7) days written notice.
SER Board Current FY09 Board : One (1) Face to Face Meeting a Year. Three (3) Teleconference or Webinar meeting a Year.
SER President Region Responsibilities: ARTICLE VIOFFICERS Section 1 Region President - The Region President shall serve as Chairman of the Board, preside at all Region Meetings, select the chairmen of committees, practice groups and task teams, be an ex-officio member of all committees, practice groups and task teams, and sign all agreements and formal instruments on behalf of the Region
SER President-Elect Region Responsibilities: ARTICLE VIOFFICERS Section 2 Region President-Elect - The Region President-Elect shall be a member of the Board; be an ex-officio member of all committees, practice groups and task teams; and have such assignments as may be made by the Region President or the Board.
SER District VP’s SER Current By-Laws ARTICLE VII - DISTRICTS Section 1The Region is divided into geographic based Districts comprised of one (1) or more Chapters as determined by the Board. Section 2: Each District shall elect a District Vice-President to represent the District on the Board. Members of those Chapters of the Institute within the Region that are in good standing in the Region as determined under Article XIV of these Bylaws are eligible to vote. Section 3: The District Vice Presidents shall have such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board.
SER District VP’s Work In Progress: The President will assign to each of the VP’s their direct responsibilities. The VP’s will be the Region face at the chapter level. The VP’s will be the Chapter face at Region Board Meeting.
SER Secretary/Treasurer Region Responsibilities: ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS Section 3 Region Secretary/Treasurer – a. The Region Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Region and the Board; preserve all papers, letters and transactions of the Region; and have custody of the corporate seal. The Region Secretary/Treasurer shall issue notices for all meetings for which notice must be given. The Region Secretary/Treasurer shall have such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board. b. The Region Secretary/Treasurer shall collect and receipt for monies and securities; deposit funds and disburse and dispose of same, subject to the direction of the Board; keep accurate books of account; submit a report at Board meetings; submit a report of office at the Annual Region Meeting. The Region Secretary/Treasurer shall perform other duties as assigned by the Board. c. The duties of the Region Secretary/Treasurer, under authority of the Board, may be assigned in whole or in part, to other assistants as the Board may determine.
GOAL ? FY10 Board Region Governance Implementation FY09 – Region Governance Restructure
FY10 SER Board This is your time to shine and make a difference in the future of the Southeast Region, please make the best of the foundation that the FY09 SER Board was able to layout for you.
Questions? Remember – Never Forget