Ch. 28 – 2 notes
Women used Prog. Era to play key role in civic and social reform Women attacked industries which hurt (their) children; an extension of their traditional roles as mothers Issues like sweatshops, poor air, childcare and safe food Women played role in two federal agencies—the Children’s Bureau and the Women’s Bureau (Dept. of Labor) Florence Kelley -- National Consumers League protected women and children in the workplace Muller V. Oregon (1908) – Supreme Court used pragmatism to require special rules and protection on the job for women Triangle Shirtwaist Co. locked doors & fire young immigrant women died By 1917 – workers’ compensation –in over 30 states
* Alcohol caused major problems—corruption, votes, work, family Women’s Christian Temperance Mov’t (WCTU) founded by Frances Willard; 1M women members – along w/ Anti-Salon League th Amd.- banned alcohol nationwide TR’s Square Deal for Labor TR claimed everyone deserved a ‘square deal’ 1902 Coal Mine strike--140K miners on east coast TR arbitrated a settlement between the workers and owners 1st time fed. gov’t opposed owners an ineffective ICC led to the Elkins Act of 1903 – punished RR’s and receivers of rebates
Heburn Act of 1906 – greatly restricted free passes RR gave (to politicians) TR felt there were ‘good’ trusts and ‘bad’ trusts He did not want to punish success – only if large corporations acted as trusts Trusts TR disbanded included J.B. Morgan’s Northern Securities Co. RR business as well as beef & sugar WHY? to prove that gov’t, not industry, ran the country Caring for the Consumer Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle was written to expose the horrific working conditions in the meat-packing industry However, it revealed unsanitary conditions of meatpacking (inspired TR to take action) Congress passed the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 – fed. gov’t would inspect meat that traveled over state lines Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906—prevented mislabeling of food
Analyze the reasons for the popularity of the Progressive movement during the frist two decades of the 20 th century.