1 OPTICOM – First Report on project level. powered by : 2 Reporting Reporting periods Reporting PeriodReport to FLCReport to LPReport to JTS FromTo


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Presentation transcript:

1 OPTICOM – First Report on project level

powered by : 2 Reporting Reporting periods Reporting PeriodReport to FLCReport to LPReport to JTS FromTo Initial date: New date: Initial date: New date: Initial date: New date: Final Report

powered by : 3 To do  Set new deadline according to info of FLCs  Make consolidated report (ICS)

4 OPTICOM – Second Report on partner level

5 1.Deadlines

powered by : 6 Reporting Reporting periods Reporting Period Report to FLC Report to LPReport to JTS FromTo Final Report

powered by : 7 Project Changes General rules: Changes  Must be justified (subsidy contract not yet signed)  Must not affect/risk the achievement of project objectives  Need to be agreed first on project level (all partners)  LP submits a notification of project change to JTS  Partners submit notifications of project change to their FLCs

8 2. Activity Report Eligible Activities

powered by : 9 First Report / Activity Report Activity Report  Template: on Programme Homepage  Either in German & Hungarian or in English  Answer all questions!  Date, sign and stamp the report  List all attachments at the end of the template For your activities - always keep in mind:  Comply with provisions on publicity!  Take pictures!

powered by : 10 Eligible activities – Project timetable

powered by : 11 Eligible activities OPTICOM - Actions that can be reported / 2nd Reporting Period Rep. PeriodDoneResponsible PartnerOP Indicator 1 LPPartnership Contract 1 LPERDF Contract 1 all1st Report 1 LPKick-off Meeting 1 LPPayment request 1 PP2Project Branding 1 PP2Communication Plan 1 PP2Opticom Homepage 1 LPOnline Collaboration Space 2 LPPayment request

powered by : 12 Eligible activities 2 allSecond report 2 PP3Partner Meeting 2 PP2 Press folder 2 PP2 Opticom Leaflet 2 PP1 Background info on AT-HU 2 PP1, LP Questionnaire - Preparation 2 PP1, LP Questionnaire - Dissemination 2 PP1, LP Interviews - Implementation 2 allElectronically available data collection 2 PP1 Research report for the manual 2 PP3 Opticom Folder 2 PP3 Opticom Manual 2 PP4 Pool of trainers and consultants

13 3. Financial Report Financial Guidelines

powered by : 14 1st Report / Financial Report Financial Report  Template on Programme Homepage plus  Template by FLC  In the language of the FLC (German or Hungarian)  Not eligible are a.o.:  Internal project meetings  Representation costs (i.e. hosting an external expert)  Gifts

powered by : 15 Eligibility rules Costs are eligible if they  are incurred during the reporting period and have already been paid (if not – report in next period!)  are necessary and directly attributable to the execution of the project  comply with a sound financial management and national public procurement law

powered by : 16 First Report - Overview  Each Partner‘s Report has to contain the following:  Partner‘s Activity Report  Partner‘s Financial Report  All the documents requested by the respective FLC For further information consult the Financial Handbook: hu/downloads/ATHU_Financial_Handbook_ pdf

17 4. Submission of your First Report

powered by : 18 Submission of your Second Report  To the ICS: by 23 July Time for Q&A!  To your FLC: by 31 July

powered by : 19 Karin Hölbling Thank you for your attention!