Angel Island
1) Early immigrants to America were from ________________________. 2) – less than _____________ immigrants came to US 1) Early immigrants to America were from ________________________. 2) – less than _____________ immigrants came to US NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE 1 MILLION
3) – most immigrants came from __________________________. They started many of the early ________________ that became part of the American ____________________. These were known as “_______________________” or “_____________” 3) – most immigrants came from __________________________. They started many of the early ________________ that became part of the American ____________________. These were known as “_______________________” or “_____________” GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND CUSTOMS WAY OF LIFE OLD IMMIGRANTS NATIVES
4) 1880s and after –“_____________________” They were _____________________________________________ and moved to big ______________. They were mostly ___________________________________________ They didn’t speak _________________. Living and working conditions were ___________. Many moved to US due to ___________________________________________. 4) 1880s and after –“_____________________” They were _____________________________________________ and moved to big ______________. They were mostly ___________________________________________ They didn’t speak _________________. Living and working conditions were ___________. Many moved to US due to ___________________________________________. NEW IMMIGRANTS RUSSIAN, POLISH, ITALIAN, AND GREEK CITIES CATHOLIC, JEWISH, AND GREEK ORTHODOX ENGLISH POOR WAR, VIOLENCE, AND RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION
5) In 1892, ____________________ opened in New York harbor. ___________________ of arrival was kept. Each immigrant was checked for ___________________. 5) In 1892, ____________________ opened in New York harbor. ___________________ of arrival was kept. Each immigrant was checked for ___________________. ELLIS ISLAND RECORD DISEASES
6) “New Immigrants” _____________________________ Most lived in areas where they could share ___________________, ___________, and ___________. 6) “New Immigrants” _____________________________ Most lived in areas where they could share ___________________, ___________, and ___________. UNSKILLED, UNEDUCATED, HAD NO MONEY, SPOKE NO ENGLISH, WORKED LOW PAYING JOBS LANGUAGE RELIGIONCUSTOMS
7) The ___________________ population grew from ______ to _____ million from Many lived in ______________ - areas where people with the same race, religion and country origin live. Life was not ______________ - immigrants were charged ____________ prices and faced discrimination. 7) The ___________________ population grew from ______ to _____ million from Many lived in ______________ - areas where people with the same race, religion and country origin live. Life was not ______________ - immigrants were charged ____________ prices and faced discrimination. URBAN 1050 GHETTOS EASY HIGH
8) City Problems: a) ______________________________ ____________________ were built – they were _______________, had poor ____________________ and comfort conditions and were ______________ built. 8) City Problems: a) ______________________________ ____________________ were built – they were _______________, had poor ____________________ and comfort conditions and were ______________ built. OVERCROWDING TENEMENTS POORLY LIT SANITATION POORLY BUILT
________________ crammed into buildings neighborhoods were ______________ and ______________ - they were flooded with ______________, _____________________, ________, ___________, and ________________. ________________ crammed into buildings neighborhoods were ______________ and ______________ - they were flooded with ______________, _____________________, ________, ___________, and ________________. FAMILIES CROWDED DIRTY NOISE ROTTING GARBAGEBUGS RATS DISEASES
9)New immigrants worked in _______________ for very long ____________ and little ___________. 10) ______________________________ Company in New York The _____________ were locked when __________ spread in the building. The disaster started on the ______ floor and fire truck ladders only reached the ______ floor. Many ________________ jumped in an attempt to escape. More than _____ were killed in the disaster. 9)New immigrants worked in _______________ for very long ____________ and little ___________. 10) ______________________________ Company in New York The _____________ were locked when __________ spread in the building. The disaster started on the ______ floor and fire truck ladders only reached the ______ floor. Many ________________ jumped in an attempt to escape. More than _____ were killed in the disaster. FACTORIES HOURSPAY TRIANGLE SHIRTWAIST DOORSFIRE 8TH 6TH WOMEN 140
11) Problem: _____________ ___________________ attacked and robbed people. Cities could not add _____________ fast enough. 12) Cities provided ____________________ and _____________________- The city had public schools, colleges, _______________, _____________, _________________, skyscrapers, __________________ and shops. 11) Problem: _____________ ___________________ attacked and robbed people. Cities could not add _____________ fast enough. 12) Cities provided ____________________ and _____________________- The city had public schools, colleges, _______________, _____________, _________________, skyscrapers, __________________ and shops. VIOLENCE STREET GANGS POLICE OFFICERS EXCITEMENT OPPORTUNITIES LIBRARIESMUSEUMS THEATERS SPORTS FIELDS
Vocabulary Melting pot – a mixture of different cultures living together Urbanization – the growth of cities Dumbbell tenement – apartment building shaped like a barbell Melting pot – a mixture of different cultures living together Urbanization – the growth of cities Dumbbell tenement – apartment building shaped like a barbell
Ellis Island – immigration station in New York Angel Island – immigration station in the San Francisco Bay Ellis Island – immigration station in New York Angel Island – immigration station in the San Francisco Bay