Big Business and Labor terms Part 2 Samuel Gompers American Federation of Labor (AFL) Eugene V. Debs Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Mary Harris Jones
Labor Unions National Labor Union: (1866) 2 types of Unions Craft Unions American Federation of Labor (AFL) (1886) Collective Bargaining: Samuel Gompers -Industrial Unions Eugene Debs: Socialism
Protesting/Violent Strikes Haymarket Riot (May 4, 1886) 3,000 protesters (Labor Unionists) in Haymarket Square (McCormick Harvester Plant in Chicago What happened?? video video
Women organize Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones)
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire March 25, 1911 New York City 8 th, 9 th and 10 th floor fire video video Aftermath: