1 Structures’ Proposal for Faith and Light Presentation to the General Assembly by by Claude Gravel October 13, 2008
2 Mandate of the Task Force A task force is appointed with the responsibility to review international governance and structures to allow Faith and Light to continue to flourish as an International movement. At this stage of its development, Faith and Light, as an international and multicultural organization of Christian communities, needs to clarify its governance principle, methods. The task force will: Review the experience of recent years, Be attentive to the signs of the times and signs of the Spirit. Regularly consult with and report to members of the International Council (and through them to the countries and zones) on a regular basis, Remain open to new ways of functioning, while faithful to traditions, explore and communicate on advantages and disadvantages of the Changes they might propose, Communicate regularly with the international council on the questions raised Prepare a final proposal for the International Council.
3 Sequence of events October 2006: First meeting of the Task Force –Diagnosis and governance principles –Steering Committee March 2007: Meeting with the International Council –Discernment on Identity and Mission (Franck et Chantal) –Decision on the date of the General Assembly October 2007: International Council study of draft #1 January 2008: Distribution to Continents of draft #2 & Power Point February 2008: Adjusting the proposal according to the feedback End of March 2008: distribution to Zone Councils of draft #3, power Point and accompanying text Adjusting the proposal according to the feedback received July 2008: distribution of draft #4 and calling the General Assembly
4 Why changing? Do we have to proceed now? Do we have to change everything? Madrid Temporary structure Cascading change... Removing levels Sharing the responsibilities Orienting the energy toward the service to community
5 Perspectives Proximity between those who carry the authority and the members Simplifying the rules The long term –Develop the capacity in the area of leadership –Develop competence
6 Communities Provinces Community Assembly Coordinator Assembly RepresentingGouverning Supporting -- Giving Life Vice-coordinators Provincial Team President and vice-president Board of Directors Coordinator Team Members Coordinating Team Coordinators Council International Coordinating Team The Dynamic of the New Structure Provincial Meeting Project Teams Vice-coordinators Coordinator International Meeting Team
7 Communities Provinces International The three Circles The entity “province” – Distances – Yearly meeting of the Provincial Team – National identity At the “head” of each responsibility circle, a team rather than a person More flexibility for local entities Responsibility Circles
8 Communauties Provinces Community Assembly International Representing Members are represented by a delegation to the Assemblies Each delegation can include – A parent, – A friend, – A person with a handicap One vote for each delegation Each provincial delegation represents approximately ~30 communities, which provides an equitable weight to each province
9 Governing Communauties Provinces International Coordinator Vice-coordinators Provincial Team President and Vice-president Board of Directors Coordinator Team Members Coordinating Team At the international level: Board of Directors: President Board of Directors: President At the provincial level: Provincial Team: Coordinator Provincial Team: Coordinator
10 Supporting - Giving life Coordinator Vice-coordinators Coordination Team Communauties Provinces International International / Provincial Meeting Project Team Coordinator Council Provincial Team Coordination Team
11 Choosing Leaders Importance of choosing good leaders Mechanisms to improve good choices Mechanism to correct bad choices The important place of discernment Three levels of control in choosing International Vice- Coordinators A nomination committee establishes a list by consulting members The coordinators submits a choice from this list to the Board of Directors The Board of Directors designate the Vice-Coordinators Choice of process for Provincial Vice-Coordinators A nomination Committee and/or the International Vice- Coordinators establishes a list by consulting The Provincial Team nominates or the Assembly elects the Vice- Coordinators
12 Exercising Leadership Flexibility Sharing the work load with a team –Coordinators are more facilitators of a team –Vice-Coordinators as key players in the accompaniment. They take care and respond to the needs of the provinces/communities –Inter-provincial and inter-community meetings The provincial Team as an important source of life to support communities Coordinators Council: area of mutual support Important role of vice-coordinators
13 Activities’ Life Cycle Meeting Assembly 5123 International Provincial 45 Meeting Assembly Coordinating Team Board of Directors Coordinators Council Provincial Team 412 Inter provincial Spiritual Events (pilgrimages)International Spiritual Event (pilgrimage)