Research and Imaging Program for the SVAS
Current Situation Society supports beginners well –Messier Group –Community Outreach programs Monthly star parties appeal to all casual observers. Society has a unique facility in the HGO and RJMO Observatory complex.
Current Situation HGO observatory equipment needs an update or is non-functional. RJMO is awkward for visual observing. Society doesn’t have a process in place to foster advanced observing skills among the membership.
Proposal That the society create a new “Research and Imaging Program”. Use the current model of ‘observatory membership’. RJMO be dedicated for use in this program and updated for remoteable operations. Membership in the program would be open to all ready to make the commitment.
Proposal Program membership would require a donation of $1,000 plus a program fee of $20/month. The Society would direct $10,000 of it’s funds to this program. The program would be initiated only if a minimum of 10 members sign up. The program membership would elect a program director and two members to serve as a program steering committee.
Proposal Program would be phased in over 15 months Program steering committee would plan for improvements and operations of RJMO. Plans would be approved by a vote of the program membership and the SVAS Board. Program members would commit to 15 hours/year of work on site as required.
Possible Expenses- Automate the current dome - $3,000 Filter wheel and filters suitable for imaging and photometry - $4,000 Cloud sensing, remote viewing and other electronics - $3,000 Computer capable of controlling camera and telescope and image archive - $1,500 Software licenses for multi-user remote operations- $1,800 Other updates to physical plant - $3,000 First years Operations Fund$2,500 Total$19,800
Current Equipment Ash Dome$20,000 Structure$15,000 Optical Tube Assembly$20,000 Paramount ME$12,500 Camera $6,000 Total$73,500
Operational Fund Ongoing Annual Costs Subscribe to and install satellite DSL or similar - $800 Existing software upgrades- $500
Possible Projects Remote imaging would be possible any clear night. Photometric research projects –Asteroid tracking and characterization –Monitoring variable stars for outburst and other behavior –Supernova search –Exoplanet transit search
What would it take? Board approval to create and support a new on-going program. Transfer ownership of equipment to SVAS as a donation. Active, interested and cooperative members for the program.
Conclusion Program provides advanced observing resource to the society. Program provides a structured activity. Program makes good use of the RJMO observatory. Program provides a sound way to secure the equipment donation.