1 Becoming an Effective Board Member The Heartland Conference April 9, 2008
Dynamic Works Institute 2 Introductions When someone asks you what it means to be a WIB member, what do you say? Turn to your neighbor and share.
Dynamic Works Institute 3 WIB Member Job Description Identify and assess issues and needs Solicit input and participation Provide guidance and oversight
Dynamic Works Institute 4 WIBS – The Cornerstone Convener of community to develop workforce solutions WIB Role: Provide program and performance oversight Align resources and partners of local workforce system with private sector
Dynamic Works Institute 5 Effective Workforce Boards Understand local economy Data-driven strategic focus Accept responsibility for services Convene essential voices Engage business members Seek diversified funds Demand proactive & diverse business services Advocate on behalf of community
Dynamic Works Institute 6 Characteristics of Competitive Communities Forward Thinking Community Leaders Business Investment in Human Capital Strong and Diverse Economy Integrated Infrastructure Effective, Articulated Education System Clearly Defined and Accessible Career Pathways Ready, Willing and Able Workforce
Dynamic Works Institute 7 WIB Evolution Systemic Comprehensive strategy; service focus Secures and targets funds Community outcomes Customers: employers and residents Program/Traditional Implements programs Targets funds Grant outcomes Customers: funding sources
Dynamic Works Institute 8 Moving a Board to a Systemic Approach Define management’s authority Clarify management decisions Strategic initiative instead of operational improvement
Dynamic Works Institute 9 Board and Staff Roles WIB Member Convene broader community Create plan Provide oversight Connect community to WIB Staff Manage services and resources Administer grants and budgets Manage measures and goals Foster relationships
Dynamic Works Institute 10 Management or Board? Activity With a partner, complete the management or board activity Share and discuss answers with large group
Dynamic Works Institute 11 Benchmarking: Success Factors It’s about relationships, connections and communications Great boards define roles broadly Great boards don’t just think regionally, they act regionally The Executive Director is a critical position Both good staff and good members are critical Board membership and its staff collectively comprise “the board”
Dynamic Works Institute 12 Success Factor: Relationships The law does not structure WIBS to be “great,” only “in compliance.”
Dynamic Works Institute 13 Success Factor: Roles Workforce Intelligence Provider Convener of “Bigger Tables” Campaign Manager Quality Assurance Agent Resource Development and Venture Capitalist
Dynamic Works Institute 14 Success Factor: Regionalism Good boards foster regionalism by getting people to understand the interdependence of the various part of the region
Dynamic Works Institute 15 Success Factor: The ED WIB Director Characteristics Business competent Entrepreneurial System thinker Strategic thinker Political strategizer Problem solver Relationships manager Influencer Mediator Flexible Team player
Dynamic Works Institute 16 Success Factor: “The Board” Members and staff work together in partnership: Members aren’t expected to do staff work Staff don’t expect members to deal with categorical programs
Dynamic Works Institute 17 How to Make An Impact Learn relevant facts Attend meetings REGULARLY Serve on committees Visit a One Stop Learn the rules Be positively impatient
Dynamic Works Institute 18 Leadership Desired State Revolving Gap Analysis Current Conditions Trends & Issues Past Strategic Plan Outcomes Vision Mission Goals Activities Process Keep Modify Let Go Create Future Planning Strategically
Dynamic Works Institute 19 Contact Me: Ann Merrifield, General Manager Dynamic Works Institute