Introduction to Sixth Form Keswick School Sixth Form Year 12 Induction Day June 30 th 2015
More content Conceptually more challenging Faster pace and intensity (5 periods vs. 2 or 3) Greater depth of study More requirement for independent learning
The pages in the planner (more later) Flipped lessons … or the importance of preparation Less onus on the teacher … more on the student A bridge to higher education and the world of work Taking things further: reading round; podcasts; personal research BANNED PHRASES: “I've done all my work” or “I haven't got anything to do” Independent Learning
Organising yourself for study Practicalities: files, equipment, time for organisation Don't be surprised if you arrive to a lesson without equipment to be simply sent away again If you do not do the preparation work for a lesson you will be sent away too We shall record this if it happens and take action Simple level: note-taking and note-making (how? Linear? Mind-mapping?)
Subject level: course units and components: separate files or separate sections. Contents pages, indexes and glossaries Time Management 4 subjects, each with 5 or 4 hours in class + the same again as independent study, weekly Weekly plan: stick to it
Be in charge of the work: don't let the work be in charge of you Short term targets: what am I going to achieve in this 40 minute slot? Developing good study skills Knowing yourself as a learner
The Attitude to Learning descriptions which are in your planner give you a very clear template for successful study: in Sixth Form, we would expect you to be working at ATL 4 or 5.
Highly motivated and active participator who always takes responsibility for own learning Responds well to guidance and evaluates own learning Evidence of consistently using a range of resources to develop subject knowledge outside of taught lessons Inquisitive and always asks thought provoking questions to extend learning Seeks new challenges, is prepared to take risks and learn from mistakes Effective self manager who uses time productively and meets deadlines, frequently going beyond what is expected.
Motivated and active participator who usually takes responsibility for own learning Usually responds to guidance and reflects on own learning Usually makes the most of a range of learning resources to develop subject knowledge outside of taught lessons Usually asks thought provoking questions to extend learning Accepts new challenges and perseveres, even when things are challenging Effective self manager who uses time productively and undertakes independent study, sometimes going beyond what is expected.
If you come into the Sixth Form from an ATL background of an average of 3 ATL we shall instigate some study support sessions early in September to help you make the transition. Once under way, we monitor regularly and expect ATL 3 to be the bare minimum If you average is 3 or below we shall take action to support your study
If you have no subject in column E: One period a week will be EPQ or general studies; one period a week will be supervised private study: you will be required to register in one of the study rooms. Subject in column E: two periods a week supervised private study: you will be required to register in one of the study rooms. Other periods are left to you unless we decide you need to be supervised for private study during these periods also (e.g. dependent upon ATL) What will you do when you do not have a timetabled lesson?
Why should you? Importance of “soft transferable skills” September 8 th – last period assembly Range of possibilities: sport, music, volunteering, drama, sports leaders, literacy leaders, subject clubs e.g. technology, The Student Speaker etc. etc. Start your own club or society (e.g. the Media Production Club) What other opportunities can you take to develop your CV?
Negotiated Target Grades (NTGs) will be set: based on statistical analysis of your potential based on your prior attainment and set aspirationally First half term – ATL only, thereafter: Half-termly Predicted Grades and Attitude to Learning (ATL) scores The October Review Action and intervention How your progress will be tracked
Teachers: work in partnership with them Sixth Form Staff: your Form Head Sixth Form Staff: Learning Supervisors Mrs Challis and Mrs Thurrell Sixth Form Staff: Mr Hadfield and Miss Pattinson – 95% of visits to our offices are decided by the student Parents Your friends and colleagues: study groups Who will help you?
BUSY Respect Your space BUT we can't justify its use if you abuse it. Study space: two study rooms Wi-Fi, BYOD (see next slides) Ipods and mobiles Food and drink Tidiness Civilised behaviour Use of the Sixth Form Centre
BYOD means bringing your own permitted ICT device to school to use in lessons and private study. Policy and application form in your information pack We would very much encourage you to BYOD and suggest a Chromebook as a good, cheap device (under £200, some as little as £130) Teachers more and more using online resources through blogs, websites and Google Classrooms. You have unlimited cloud storage through Google because we are an education partner (this means you can no longer offer the excuse “I forgot my pen drive” or “My printer isn’t working.” Wi-Fi, ‘BYOD’ and Google Cloud
Will have all of our expectations in it so read it carefully when you get it in September. You will use it to record IGRs and targets Use the Independent Learning pages Use the planner to help plan your time at all levels from the long term to the short term The Sixth Form Planner
Information – letters, forms needed etc. etc. News – via tweets and blogs Support – e.g. for UCAS and careers planning More information in September about this The Sixth Form Website
The Sixth Form Contract sets out what we expect from you and what you can expect from us. You need to consider it carefully. You and your parents are asked to sign it and your Form Head will sign it on behalf of the school. We shall keep a copy and you will receive a copy to keep. The Sixth Form Contract
We shall check your results: if all fine (i.e. you got the grades which will enable you to move onto your chosen AS levels) then we do not need to see you If you NEED or WANT to change then please see one of us. If we’re busy come back later: the SFC will be staffed for the Thursday and the Friday morning If you do not make the five GCSE grades C and above you MUST see us If you do not make the requirement for a subject you need to see us If you have decided you are going elsewhere please tell us GCSE Results Day
New Students: as already informed please let us know your results by phone or . is better. We shall confirm your place by phone or . If you need to talk to us please let us know: phone or or come and see us. Mr Hadfield's phone extension is 245. You must leave your message on this extension. Do not leave a message on the main school switchboard ay any time during the school holidays, including results day: it will not be passed on to us. On September 8 th bring a copy of your statement of results to school. GCSE Results Day
You must collect an information pack today: you must share the information with your parents Information about the Bursaries is in the letter: financial support for those in need. If you think you qualify you need to pick up a form to apply for the bursary on the first day (September 8 th ) Transport: the new situation for in-catchment buses Information Pack