Daily Schedule O Vocal warm-ups (10 min.) O Rhythm Reading (5 min.) O Sightreading (15 min.) O Rhythm Writing (5 min.) O Repertoire (20-25 min.)
CHOIR PROCEDURES C- H- P- S- Conversation Activity Movement Success! A- M- Help Participation
Day One
ENTERING THE ROOM C- H- P- S- Quiet conversation with classmates (Level 2). Get your supplies ready for class, sharpen pencils, retrieve folders etc. Against the wall, single file line if Mrs. Petty is not at the door. Ready to sing when the bell rings! A- M- Refrain from asking non- emergency questions Quickly get your supplies and head straight to your assigned seat.
TOO NOISY (Attention Signal) C- H- P- S- All talking STOPS! (Level 0). Attention on director. No movement! Freeze! The entire class is quiet in less than 5 seconds. A- M- No questions! 3 claps: STOP, LOOK, LISTEN
EXITING THE ROOM C- H- P- S- Quiet conversation with classmates (Level 2). Grab your supplies off the shelf and quickly go to your next class. Put folders away neatly, line up at the door. Have a great day! A- M- Ask Mrs. Petty after class Take care to clean up your area of the room before you leave.
Day Two
EMERGENCY DRILLS C- H- P- S- No conversations! Level 0!!! (NO screaming!) Preparing for a real emergency…practice makes perfect! Depends on the drill… The class remains quiet through the entire drill. A- M- Listen for instructions. Once in place, listen for Mrs. Petty’s instructions.
WARM-UPS C- H- P- S- No conversations! (Level 0). Physical & vocal warm-ups Restroom emergencies Vocal improvement! A- M- Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Eyes on the director, singing with tall vowels, performing appropriate warm-ups
DIRECT TEACH (REPERTOIRE) C- H- P- S- Ask a neighbor, Level 1. Learning concert music. Restroom emergencies Star Singers! A- M- Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Make eye contact with the director, follow directions the first time, mouth is moving, produce a good vocal sound, sing with tall vowels.
Day Three
RHYTHM-WRITING ASSIGNMENT C- H- P- S- No conversations! (Level 0). Begin assignment ASAP! Seated, quietly working. No moving around the room. Assignment completed within 5 minutes! A- M- Raise hand or quietly ask Mrs. Petty for help on the assignment. Eyes on your own paper, pencils moving.
SIGHTREADING (Teacher-led) C- H- P- S- No conversations! (Level 0). Learning to read music. Restroom emergencies Sightreading Success! A- M- Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Eyes on the director or sightreading music, raise your hand to answer questions, etc.
LEAVING THE CLASSROOM (During Class) C- H- P- S- No talking! (Level 0). Going to restroom, nurse, counselor, etc. Move in and out of the room quietly. Be sneaky! A- M- Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Take the appropriate pass with you.
Day Four
C- H- P- S- Quiet conversation with people sitting near you, Level 1-2. Taking out SR materials or concert sheet music. Restroom emergencies You’re ready when I am! A- M- Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Quickly get out supplies and make eye contact with the director to show you’re ready to sing. TRANSITIONS Warm-ups SR Repertoire
TURNING IN PAPERS C- H- P- S- No talking, just passing of papers. Handing in papers to be graded. “End of the row person” puts the papers in the black tray for their class period. All papers are ready to be graded. A- M- Refrain from asking non-emergency questions Quietly pass papers & follow instructions the FIRST time!
ABSENT FROM CLASS C- H- P- S- No need to tell me you were absent…I know! Makeup assignments or work Find the music/worksheets you missed in the back of the classroom by the bulletin board. You catch up to the rest of the class. A- M- Wait until a transition time to ask for help. Until then, participate with the rest of the class. It is YOUR responsibility to obtain and complete your makeup work.
Save for Later
ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES C- H- P- S- Talk to members of your group (Level 2). Classroom games, homework, drawing, reading, etc. Commit to a game/activity and STAY THERE! Everyone is having fun! A- M- Come to Mrs. Petty’s desk. Playing games, talking quietly, not bothering other students, showing good sportsmanship. HAVE FUN!
ATTENDANCE OFFICERS O Two each week O One Attendance Officer & one understudy O The next week, the understudy becomes the Attendance Officer. O A new understudy is selected by Mrs. Petty O Take attendance in the notebook, mark absent students with an “A.” (2 nd and 7 th periods— sticky note.) O Other duties: help new or absent students catch up to the class.
SIGHTREADING (Partner work) C- H- P- S- Quiet conversation about the assignment. (Level 2). Chant sightreading exercise together. Listen for the Restroom emergencies Super Sightreaders! A- M- Raise your hand and Mrs. Petty will come to you. Turn towards your partner, actively chanting and performing handsigns.
NO TALKING! O Same seats as yesterday, please. O Please work on the pop quiz that is on your chair! O -Mrs. Petty