The Quality Agenda - the last 12 months. Jan Haxby RGN, RSCN, BSc (Hons) SCPHN, MSc.


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Presentation transcript:

The Quality Agenda - the last 12 months. Jan Haxby RGN, RSCN, BSc (Hons) SCPHN, MSc.

Quality … A national agenda in both health and social care. Nationally, CCG’s are bound by statutory duties to improve the quality of services. The CCG agreed its model of quality in 2014 based on: clinical effectiveness safety patient experience.. and put systems and processes in place to provide quality assurance.

What systems/processes did the CCG put in place to improve quality? Established a Quality Committee – sub-group of the Partnership Board. Appointed a “quality team” – Director, lead nurse, clinical lead, and clinical support officer. Ensured links with the CCG contracting team and CCG Patient/Client experience team - to link these 2 agendas to the quality agenda. Developed a quality dashboard and also supported quality assurance of nursing homes Developed processes for focus on specific areas e.g. infections/pressure ulcers.

What did we focus on in 14/15? Mortality – whilst SHMI data remains high, it has been and continues to be a priority for the CCG and NLG. Implementing use of good practice tools – e.g. Dementia screening, Sepsis Six. Scrutiny of incidents and Serious Incidents(SI) and lessons learnt. Pressure ulcers and infections. Developed joint working with service providers. Effectiveness through the Quality Dashboard.

Looking forward - in 15/ Agree a strategy for continuous improvement of the quality of services delivered across NE Lincolnshire. 2. Continue to focus on key areas like mortality through a review of existing work and controls. 3. Make stronger links with the CCG Triangles as a route to drive quality of services. 4. Focus on quality within Primary Care.

What do we need to do in 15/16? 5. Develop a wider clinical quality assurance framework that builds on the existing model and: puts service users first – listen to their journey and experiences, their views. Make better use of local (hard and soft)intelligence. Continue to work with commissioners to build in evidence- based quality standards to service specifications. Develop a clear & robust programme for testing the quality systems. Develop a stronger link to research and how evidence base supports practice.