I.Roll Call II.Call To Order III.Approval Of Minutes IV.Old Business a) Jacqui Summerman, HUR- Constitution V.Student Concerns (10 min.) VI.New Business a) Kyra Orr, SGA President- Roundtable Updates/Smoking Locations b) Ashley Allen, SGA Treasurer- Treasury Board Updates c) Kate Carpenter, SGA Secretary- Elections and Appointment Board d) Taylor Richardson, HAB Chair- Senior Legacy Program e) Nickie Smith, Director of Housing and Residence Life- Housing Lottery! f) Alexis Davis, Senator- Food Service Committee Update g) Lindsay Stern, Formal Events Chair- Cotillion!! Senior Legacy ProgramCotillion!!Senior Legacy ProgramCotillion!! VII.Announcements (2 min.) Announcements (2 min.)Announcements (2 min.) VIII.Adjournment Senate Agenda 3/5/11
Senate Agenda
ANNOUNCEMENTS! Catch an all new glee tonight at 8pm on FOX! CONSTITUTIONAL FACT! Who are the poll sitters on election day? Good Question! Poll sitters consist of members of the elections committee roundtable, HAB, and class officers. Senate Agenda