The Art of Animation By: Alice Brown
Animation Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. Source: htto://
Animation Examples Mr. Bill Gumby and Pokey Wallace and Grommet The Nightmare Before Christmas Ratatouille Chicken Run Gumby & Pokey - Mr. Bill - Ratatouille -
Animation Timeline 1930 Warner Bros Cartoons 1942 Bambi 1911 Little Nemo 1923 Disney Bros Studio 1824 Persistence of vision 1920 Felix the Cat 1928 Steamboat Willie 1935 Porky the Pig
Famous Animators Chuck Jones Tex Avery Mel Blanc Walt Disney Ward Kimball
Animation Techniques Cell Animation Stop Motion Computer Animation Experimental Source: http:/