The PETS I LIKE An eTwinning project, which links 8 schools from 6 countries
The PETS I LIKE Here are our Teachers: Monica + Sylvia (Sweden); Ole + Jette (Denmark) ; Aldute (Lithuania); Heike (Germany); Burcu (Turkey); Marion, Sue + Steven (UK)
The PETS I LIKE We will use the ‘eTwinning’ Twin Space to present all aspects of our project
The PETS I LIKE Each school will prepare a short presentation about their school. October / November 2011
The PETS I LIKE Children will introduce themselves using a VOKI. October 2011
The PETS I LIKE Children will prepare a Photo Story about ‘The PETS I LIKE’. November / December 2011
The PETS I LIKE Children will make a ‘Stop Motion Animation’ about ‘The PETS I LIKE’ and present these on VIMEO. January / February / March 2012
The PETS I LIKE The children will complete a survey about the project. April 2012
The PETS I LIKE Our AIM is to win an ‘eTwinning’ Award An online Pet Show using FlashMeeting Unique to eTwinning – never been attempted before!