J ACOB B URNS F ILM C ENTER To promote 21 st century visual literacy Teach teachers to integrate technology into curriculum Increase participation in a global culture Present the best independent, documentary, and world cinema
C ULTIVATING M INDS To increase students’ power of careful observation To practice 21 st century communication skills To promote problem solving and empathy through collaboration To empower students to make informed decisions about their eating habits To enhance students’ work ethic through tasks oriented at increasing their sense of responsibility To personally connect students with the food production process
T HE P EAS AND C ARROTS We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:15 Tuesdays will be garden days Thursdays are Jacob Burns days Homework is done at home
T HE M EAT AND P OTATOES Students will learn how to: Plan, plant, and harvest vegetables Research a topic in order to teach others Use images, text, and video to record information Create informational pieces Prepare healthy meals Compost
P LANTING THE S EEDS Trips to Stone Barns Center for Agriculture Trips to local Whole Foods Market Interviews with industry professionals Library-based research Web-based research Non-fiction film production Hands-on experiences
P ORTRAIT OF A P LACE We had already made two hands-on projects Sequential planning Practice using different shots- close-ups, medium, long shots Production crew roles Practiced editing Communication- what is your message? Sounds- ambient sounds and sound effects to assist in communication Fiction versus non-fiction pieces Our Portraits of a Place
A NIMATION Select and research topics Understand the purpose is to teach others about their learning Collect information Collaborate with others to plan storyboard Write, plan and produce story using math, art, language, and science Use stop motion animation to show things that can’t be seen in the real world Our first animation experience
H OPES AND D REAMS We are gardeners, filmmakers, animators, chefs, nutritionists, authors, compost enthusiasts, bloggers, photographers, harvesters, healthy eaters, and great kids!great kids!
C ONTACT I NFORMATION Aaron Mace: Jenn Curti: Kate Albero: