GPS IN AFRICA Christine Amory-Mazaudier LPP/UMPC/Polytechnique/CNRS christine ISWI meeting EGYPT 6-10, November 2010
Outlines IHY project –Training on GPS and Space weather / Schools »Conclusion n°1 –GPS network »Conclusions n°2a, n°2b –Training and Research/ PhD »Conclusion n°3 ISWI project Use of GPS for ionospheric studies -> review presented in COSPAR available -> out of the scope of this paper.
IHY PROJECT IHY PROJECT in AFRICA ISOC chaired by Tim Fuller-Rowell (NOAA) Sunanda Basu (Boston University)
Inquiry of interest : Answers Countries Benin1 Burkina Faso1 Cameroon2 Ivory Coast1 Egypt1 Ethiopia1 France3 Kenya1 Nigeria3 Republic C.A1 Senegal1 South Africa1 Tunisia1 RDC1 Zambia1 15 countries/14 in Africa 20
Scientific topics Atmospheric studies8/ (8 scientists) Low atmosphere Troposphere (7) » Water content -> » Assimilation of data -> models » Thermodynamics Upper Atmosphere (1) » Thermospheric winds Ionospheric studies16/ (13 scientists) Scintillations (2) TEC, Electronic densities, F layer (2) Ionospheric disturbances, magnetic storms, equatorial anomaly (1) Tides, waves (1) Assimilation of data -> IRI model, models (2) Flares (1) Study of Ionosphere (7), Geodesy2/ (2 scientists)
IHY GPS NETWORKS SCINDA -> Scintillation Network Decision Aid Keith GROVES -> e.mail :
CAPE VERDE JULY 2006 Participants from Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire, Congo, Nigeria Cameroun …. SCINDA NETWORK => organisation of schools in the framework of the project
AMMA network -> Olivier BOCK Jusqu’à fin 2010/until end of 2010 Tamanrasset -> protocole with the CRAAG AMMA data -> IGS in 2 years free for everybody IHY GPS NETWORKS SCHOOLS organized in the framework of AMMA project
Meeting in Addis Abbaba 2007 : Decisions 120 participants/72 African scientists N° 1 TRAINING on GPS and Space Weather ICTP school -> earlier 2009 senior scientists, post graduate, students A. Marhous (Egypt/Africa) S. Radicella ( ok ICTP/Europe) (March 23-April / April 2010) P. Doherty (USA/America) UN schools Morocco (ok GNSS training started on October 19, > 9 months) Nigeria (ok November 2009 …) National Schools : South-Africa (ok), Ethiopia (ok), Kenya (oK) Training in the frame of a project SCINDA (ok the last in Kenya, July 2010) GIRGEA (ok Congo Brazzaville December 2009 – Egypt September2010) Individual training.GIRGEA (ok ENST France July 2010 Burkina Faso, Congo Brazzaville Côte d’Ivoire)
~50 participants from 9 countries Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia ICTP School/ Pat Doherty and S Radicella
~ 30 students from Congo Brazzaville, RDC, Ivory Coast BRAZZAVILLE December 2-11, 2009 LOC chaired by : Bienvenue DINGA French spoken school
Conclusion n°1 Concerning training on GPS or participation to workshop, we are successfull Request for schools in French 24 countries/54 countries in Africa Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Congo Brazzaville,Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Lybia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, R.D.C., Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia + 3 countries Gabon,Mali,RCA
GPS Networks Decisions ->Addis Ababa 2007
45 GPS + 6 => 47 Development of GPS network over AFRICA - To increase the existing permanent GPS networks or install new network - * SCINDA - * IGS - * AGREES - To maintain the AMMA GPS network after To develop national networks - * South Africa - * Nigeria - * others African countries UNITED NATIONS
GPS Networks involved in IHY AMMA GPS network is still operating SCINDA GPS network was increased AGREES GPS network was not financed
NATIONAL PERMANENT NETWORKS not involved in IHY Egypt9 Morroco12 (dual ?) South Africa~40 Benin6 Future -> Burkina Faso9 (financed) Future -> Niger9 (financed)
Réseaux de GPS / GPS networks Sur Internet pour tous/ On the web for all IGS or NOAA et UNAVCO
To update
Conclusion n°2a Concerning permanent GPS networks in AFRICA Necessity to work with other scientific communities which are increasing their GPS networks IGS19 AMMA6 UNAVCO10 SCINDA9? NGS/NOAA/CORS10 OTHER 2 TRIGNET South Africa ~40 Egypt 9 Morocco12 (type?) Future Niger and Burkina Faso18 Total
Conclusion 2b We do not succeed: to have the data in real time on the web To share the data with all The exchanges of data are made through agreements
Training and Research : examples GIRGEA Burkina Faso 1 professor, 1 scientist, 6 students Congo Brazzaville 1 scientist Côte d’Ivoire 4 professors, 3 scientists, 6 students Egypte 1 professor, A scientist 13 students RDC 1 scientist, Vietnam 1 professor, 1 scientist, 6 students Necessity of co -directors of PhD from other countries
Work in an International Laboratory : International programmes Observation of the whole planet (satellite and ground measurements ) Many data bases with gap in specific areas Missing instruments Instruments No Experiment in specific area Large data bases with a good coverage of the whole planet There is a necessity for global studies in Earth’s environment We organize Campaigns of measurements at places where data are missing
Work in an International Laboratory : LWB To share data and knowledge Personnel in an open structure of existing laboratories Scientists students Scientists students Scientists students Scientists students L1 L2 L3 L4 Scientists students L5 1 student L6 1 scientist L7 Research managing team Communicating informations (letter) Driving individuals, Solving problems
Burkina Faso/Space Science 1 Professor from Burkina Faso (F. Ouattara) and 6 students Professors from other countries Pr A. Elias, /Argentina -> Long term variation of ionosphere Pr M. Lehuy, IGP/Vietnam -> GPS studies Pr A. Richmond, NCAR/USA -> TIEGCM model Pr J. Richardson, MIT/USA -> Solar Physics Pr R. Fleury, ENST/ France -> GPS signal processing Pr J-P. Legrand, INSU/France -> Geomagnetism and solar actvity, History of Geophysics Pr C. Amory-Mazaudier, LPP/France -> Electrodynamics and Dynamics of ionosphere
Conclusion n°3 We need more Professors to train in AFRICA The students work in their country and visit the countries of their PhD supervisors. They work in the framework of a cooperative scientific programme between the different countries or partners involved. The PhD is defended in the country of the student in front of an international Jury The PhD is based on papers already published in international journals.
ARICAN ORGANISATIONS CAMES 17 countries -> training in the Universities (French spoken) -> coordinator Prof. F. Ouattara UNITED NATIONS SCHOOLS – Morocco -> Prof. A Touzani (French spoken) – Nigeria -> Prof. P. Okeke (English spoken) AGS : AFRICAN GEOSPACE SOCIETY Next meeting of the scientific board in November 2010 in Abuja / Nigeria (Prof B. Rabiu)
IHY PROJECT ISWI PROJECT in AFRICA ISOC chaired by Joseph Davila (NASA) Nat Gopalswamy (NASA)
International Space Weather Initiative
TRANSDICIPLINARY SCHOOL IN EGYPT September 2010 ~ 30 participants LOC chaired by Prof. Ayman Mahrous
Prof. Hassan Ahmed : khalil -> NRIAG
It is necessary In each country : To work at a national level To connect all users of GPS in the same country To develop interdisciplinary studies to install permanent GPS networks New regional projects In the framework of international projects as ISWI to increase the GPS stations
Research programmes IRD- STDF 1) Definition of a project for Monitoring the water vapor Along the Nile with GPS Network and complementary instruments networks and related informatics GPS Stations Meteorological Stations GPS signal processing Meteorological models Hydrological models Etc…. 2) Space Weather satellite cooperation between France and Egypt 3) Training of students Schools PhD Masters
General Conclusion Next schools RDC -> September 2011 Morocco -> December 2011 Scientific projects To develop African Websites for information concerning African activities AGS -> African Geospace Society New inquiry to be done