HIRE AND MANAGE A STAFF Chapter 10 10.1 Hire Employees Entrepreneurship 4/23/2017 Chapter 10 HIRE AND MANAGE A STAFF 10.1 Hire Employees 10.2 Create a Compensation Package 10.3 Manage Your Staff Chapter 10
GOALS Lesson 10.1 HIRE EMPLOYEES Chapter 10 Lesson 10.1 HIRE EMPLOYEES GOALS Determine the positions your business needs. Recruit, interview, and select an employee. Consider alternatives to hiring permanent staff.
IDENTIFY YOUR NEED FOR EMPLOYEES Chapter 10 IDENTIFY YOUR NEED FOR EMPLOYEES What kind of employees do I need? What skills am I missing? What skills do I need daily? What skills do I need occasionally?
WRITE JOB DESCRIPTIONS Chapter 10 WRITE JOB DESCRIPTIONS A job description is a written statement listing the duties and responsibilities of a job.
CREATE AN ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Chapter 10 CREATE AN ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE An organizational structure is a plan that shows how the various jobs in a company relate to one another.
RECRUIT EMPLOYEES Classified advertising Employment agencies Chapter 10 RECRUIT EMPLOYEES Classified advertising Employment agencies College placement centers Other ways of recruiting employees
HIRE EMPLOYEES Know what to look for in an employee Chapter 10 HIRE EMPLOYEES Know what to look for in an employee Screen job applicants Interview job applicants Check references Make a job offer
ALTERNATIVES TO ADDING STAFF Chapter 10 ALTERNATIVES TO ADDING STAFF Hire freelancers or interns Freelancers are people who provide services to businesses on an hourly basis or by the job. Interns are students who will work for little or no pay in order to gain experience in a particular field. Hire temporary workers
Lesson 10.2 CREATE A COMPENSATION PACKAGE Chapter 10 Lesson 10.2 CREATE A COMPENSATION PACKAGE GOALS Determine the amount of pay for employees. Identify a benefits portion of a compensation package.
WAGES AND SALARY Compensation levels Types of pay Pay competitively Chapter 10 WAGES AND SALARY Compensation levels Pay competitively Types of pay Hourly wage Salary Commission Combination plan
BENEFITS Paid leave Insurance Pension plan Vacation Sick leave Chapter 10 BENEFITS Paid leave Vacation Sick leave Insurance Health benefits Other kinds of insurance Pension plan
Lesson 10.3 MANAGE YOUR STAFF Chapter 10 Lesson 10.3 MANAGE YOUR STAFF GOALS Lead your employees by developing a management style and desirable leadership qualities. Motivate your employees by delegating responsibility and listening. Evaluate your employees.
LEAD YOUR EMPLOYEES Levels and styles of management Chapter 10 LEAD YOUR EMPLOYEES Levels and styles of management Desirable leadership qualities Enforce employee policies Train your employees Safety practices and procedures
DESIRABLE LEADERSHIP QUALITIES Chapter 10 DESIRABLE LEADERSHIP QUALITIES Judgment Honesty Consistency Enthusiasm Cooperation Communications Dependability Understanding
TRAIN YOUR EMPLOYEES On-the-job training Coaching Mentoring Chapter 10 TRAIN YOUR EMPLOYEES On-the-job training Coaching Mentoring Conferences and seminars
MOTIVATE YOUR EMPLOYEES Chapter 10 MOTIVATE YOUR EMPLOYEES Pay them well. Treat them fairly. Recognize them for the work they do. Give them adequate responsibility.
DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITY Chapter 10 DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITY To delegate is to let other people share workloads and responsibilities. Benefits of delegating responsibility: Employees are better motivated and contribute more. You can focus on important items. The company can grow.
Chapter 10 LISTEN TO EMPLOYEES Listening to new points of view may help you come up with new, creative solutions. If you value the opinions of your employees, they will feel they are a valuable asset to your company.
Chapter 10 WORK AS A TEAM Employees who work as a team are usually very committed. They are more likely to work harder and to come up with creative ideas for increasing profits.
Chapter 10 MAKE A GOOD TEAM Establish trust among team members and gain their trust. Make sure that all team members understand the goals you have set. Encourage team members to be creative and innovative. Make team members feel like partners in your business. Help team members learn from their mistakes. Build the team’s commitment to achieving the goals you have set.
EVALUATE YOUR EMPLOYEES Chapter 10 EVALUATE YOUR EMPLOYEES Create an evaluation procedure Promote employees Terminate employees