Specific matchmaking activities Task leader: DLR (D), Co-leader: CONICYT (CL) Co-leader: CONICYT (CL) Lisboa, 26 March 2009 EULARINET – WP 2 Task 2.2.


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Presentation transcript:

Specific matchmaking activities Task leader: DLR (D), Co-leader: CONICYT (CL) Co-leader: CONICYT (CL) Lisboa, 26 March 2009 EULARINET – WP 2 Task 2.2

THEMATIC WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENT December 2008 – present: Joint cooperation between DLR, COLCIENCIAS and CONICYT in order to plan thematic workshop on sustainability and climate changes scheduled to take place in September 2009 in Columbia December 2008 – present: Joint cooperation between DLR, COLCIENCIAS and CONICYT in order to plan thematic workshop on sustainability and climate changes scheduled to take place in September 2009 in Columbia

Aim of the workshop: Aim of the workshop: Bringing together scientists from EU and LA to enhance their scientific network Bringing together scientists from EU and LA to enhance their scientific network Informing on funding possibilities within FP7 (including specific information on calls in near future in the workshop topics) Informing on funding possibilities within FP7 (including specific information on calls in near future in the workshop topics) Identification of specific priorities for S&T cooperation of mutual interest, proposal of SICA topics (work programme 2011) Identification of specific priorities for S&T cooperation of mutual interest, proposal of SICA topics (work programme 2011)

Participants: It is planned to invite approximately 100 participants, including: Experts from participating EU and LA countries Experts from participating EU and LA countries FP 7 experts (NCPs and European Commission) FP 7 experts (NCPs and European Commission) Policy makers from participating EU and LA countries Policy makers from participating EU and LA countries Other international experts Other international experts

PREPARATORY STEPS January 2009: Questionnaire sent to Liaison offices and ONCYTs from the three Latin-American regions, based on the topics of the 2009 Environment work programme, in order to identify issues of mutual interest, importance and expertise of LA and EU. The aim of this exercise: to pinpoint specific themes of the workshop and to ensure the participation of the mayor protagonists in the area of environment and climate changes The questionnaire was based on the following criteria: The questionnaire was based on the following criteria: National importance and interest (Latin America) National importance and interest (Latin America) Research expertise in Latin America Research expertise in Latin America Previous successful projects and activities (e.g. funded through the EU) Previous successful projects and activities (e.g. funded through the EU) Deadline was considerably postponed to April 3, 2009 due to the low feedback - Status end-February 2009: only 2 participants had send their feedback (Argentina and Uruguay)

NEXT STEPS Analysis of the questionnaire Analysis of the questionnaire Establishing mutual interest priorities, Establishing mutual interest priorities, Presentation of the results to the EC - DG Presentation of the results to the EC - DG Environment and Research in order to ensure con congruence with future EU environmental focus.

MUCHAS GRACIAS Astrid Waltermann Coordinator of European Program CONICYT CHILE

Enhancement of the S&T policy dialogue among political stakeholders from the partner countries aimed at: Exchanging views and information on national and bilateral S&T policies Exchanging views and information on national and bilateral S&T policies Promoting regional integration aimed at increasing the attractiveness for S&T co-operation through regional networking. Promoting regional integration aimed at increasing the attractiveness for S&T co-operation through regional networking. Creating a dialogue on the implementation of bi-regional S&T co- operation policies Creating a dialogue on the implementation of bi-regional S&T co- operation policies Addressing global issues of common interest and develop scenarios and formulate concrete recommendations for actions with emphasis on S&T Addressing global issues of common interest and develop scenarios and formulate concrete recommendations for actions with emphasis on S&T Resume of overall aim of WP2

Resume of overall aim of WP2 Enhancement of the S&T policy dialogue among political stakeholders from the partner countries aimed at: Exchanging views and information on national and bilateral S&T policies Promoting regional integration aimed at increasing the attractiveness for S&T co-operation through regional networking. Creating a dialogue on the implementation of bi-regional S&T co- operation policies Addressing global issues of common interest and develop scenarios and formulate concrete recommendations for actions with emphasis on S&T