Passenger Passageway Powers Position Psychologic response
What is the fetal presentation? › Cephalic (96%) › Breech (3%) › Shoulder (1%)
We really do not know what causes the primary powers Contraction Frequency, Duration, and Intensity Result in Effacement and Dilatation
Pain thresholds are similar in everyone, the perception of pain is not. Pain is expressed Sensory Emotionally Physiologically
Pain experienced by mother can result in : › Acidosis of the fetus › Impaired Uterine Contraction
Position changes › Walking › Rocking › Labor ball Breathing › May need to breath with mother Counter-pressure Application of heat or cold Showering/Tub Music Aromatherapy Imagery Focal points Effleurage Therapeutic touch Childbirth Education Hypnosis Biofeedback Empty Bladder regularly
Goal maximum relief with minimal risk to mother and fetus
Epidural Spinal/Epidural Nerve Block Local Pudendal Spinal Epidural Combined Spinal/Epidural(CSE)
Systemic analgesia IM vs IV Narcotics Opioid agonist › Demerol, Fentanyl, Morphine Opioid agonist-antagonist › Stadol, Nubain, Narcan Epidural
Opiate antagonist Works immediately-may need to be repeated Used to counteract respiratory depression- Neonatal dose available at every delivery Adult dose: 0.4-2mg IVP Neonatal dose: 0-1mg/kg of 0.4mg/ml concentration Do not give to patient with narcotic dependency-triggers immediate withdrawal and possible seizures
MethodEffectsCriteriaCare Local- Lido /Polocaine used with epi Numbs perineum Episiotomy or repair of laceration Normal perineal care PuedendalNumbs lower vaginal/vulva/ perineal area Epis or vacuum delivery anticipated May need more direction in pushing SpinalT-6 to feetC-SectionUterine displacement, VS monitored EpiduralNumbs from T10- S5 Labor /C-sectionMonitoring line, VS, Positioning of pt Intrathecals1.5-3 hoursMultip who is progessing fast Same as Epi/Spinal
Only used in an emergency prior to infant delivery, if patient has contraindications to a Spinal /Epidural, or demands to be put to sleep.
Maternal position Uterine Contractions Blood Pressure Umbilical Blood Flow Kahn Academy
Continuously or intermittently
IUPC use Montevideo Units (MVU) › Subtract baseline pressure from peak pressure for each contraction in a 10 min period is optimal
Normal FHR Baseline › 10 minute segment with no significant periodic changes or change in baseline of >25 BPM Variability › Absent › Minimal › Moderate › Marked (pg 421)
Tachycardia >160 › Can be early sign of fetal hypoxia › Maternal or fetal infection › Maternal hyperthyroidism or fetal anemia › Response to some drugs-cocaine, Meth, terbutaline, Vistaril Bradycardia <110 › Heart Block › Viral infections such as CMV
Periodic-with contractions Episodic-occur without contractions Acceleration 15 x 15 above baseline Deceleration › Early › Late › Variable
True knot in cord
Basic interventions › Oxygen › Reposition › IV fluid bolus Specific problem › Correct the problem › If can not…..DELIVER BY CESAREAN
Category I-normal Category II-requires interventions and close monitoring Category III-Deliver
Normal FHR: FHRV: Moderate (6-25beats) Accelerations or Early Decelerations: Absent or present Late or Variable Decelerations: Absent
FHRV: Absent + Recurrent late decelerations FHRV: Absent + Recurrent variable decelerations FHRV: Absent + Bradycardia Sinusoidal
Bradycardia without absent FHRV Tachycardia FHRV: Minimal or Marked FHRV: Absent without recurrent decels Absent accelerations after induced fetal stimulation (this is only diagnostic-not intervention) Recurrent variable decel + FHRV: Min or moderate Prolonged decel > 2min but <10 min Recurrent late decel + FHRV: Moderate Variable decel with other characteristics: Slow return to baseline, overshoots, or shoulders
Labor is anxiety provoking Is the baby going to be ok? Was this pregnancy planned? Does the patient have adequate support both at home and in labor? Will she have help at home when goes home with infant?