Detection systems
1Introduction 2Theoretical background Biochemistry/molecular biology 3Theoretical background computer science 4History of the field 5Splicing systems 6P systems 7Hairpins 8Detection techniques 9Micro technology introduction 10Microchips and fluidics 11Self assembly 12Regulatory networks 13Molecular motors 14DNA nanowires 15Protein computers 16DNA computing - summery 17Presentation of essay and discussion Course outline
Scale: 100 μm
Optical microscopy
Watch out! A cover slide! Life under a microscope
History of microscopy
History of microscopy
Today’s microscopy
Bright-field microscopy
Also called resolving power Ability of a lens to separate or distinguish small objects that are close together Light microscope has a resolution of 0.2 micrometer wavelength of light used is major factor in resolution shorter wavelength greater resolution Microscope resolution
produces a dark image against a brighter background Cannot resolve structures smaller than about 0.2 micrometer Inexpensive and easy to use Used to observe specimens and microbes but does not resolve very small specimens, such as viruses Bright-field microscopy
has several objective lenses (3 to 4) Scanning objective lens 4X Low power objective lens 10X High power objective lens 40X Oil immersion objective lens 100X total magnification product of the magnifications of the ocular lens and the objective lens Most oculars magnify specimen by a factor of 10 Bright-field microscopy
Microscope objectives
Working distance
Oil immersion objectives
Bright-field image of Amoeba proteus
Uses a special condenser with an opaque disc that blocks light from entering the objective lens Light reflected by specimen enters the objective lens produces a bright image of the object against a dark background used to observe living, unstained preparations Darki-field microscopy
Dark-field image of Amoeba proteus
Microscope image
Fluorescence microscopy
Lamps Xenon Xenon/Mercury Lasers Argon Ion (Ar) , 488, 514 nm Violet nm Helium Neon (He-Ne) 543 nm, 633 nm Helium Cadmium (He-Cd) nm Krypton-Argon (Kr-Ar) 488, 568, 647 nm Excitation sources
Irradiance at 0.5 m (mW m -2 nm -1 ) Xe Lamp Hg Lamp Arc lamp excitation spectra
Dichroic Filter Objective Arc Lamp Emission Filter Excitation Diaphragm Ocular Excitation Filter EPI-Illumination Fluorescent microscope
transmitted lightwhite light source 630 nm band pass filter nm light Standard band pass filters
transmitted lightwhite light source 520 nm long pass filter >520 nm light Standard long pass filters
transmitted lightwhite light source 575 nm short pass filter <575 nm light Standard short pass filters
Chromophores are components of molecules which absorb light E.g. from protein most fluorescence results from the indole ring of tryptophan residue They are generally aromatic rings Fluorescence
S0S0 S1S1 T0T0 transition involving emission/absorption of photon radiationless transition absorption +hν fluorescence -hν internal conversion intersystem crossing internal conversion Jablonski diagram
S0S0 S’ 1 Energy S1S1 hv ex hv em Simplified Jablonski diagram
Fluorescence The longer the wavelength the lower the energy The shorter the wavelength the higher the energy e.g. UV light from sun causes the sunburn not the red visible light
Ethidium PE cis-Parinaric acid Texas Red PE-TR Conj. PI FITC 600 nm300 nm500 nm700 nm400 nm Common Laser Lines Some fluorophores
495 nm 520 nm Stokes Shift is 25 nm Fluorescein molecule Fluorescence Intensity Wavelength Stokes shift Change in the energy between the lowest energy peak of absorbance and the highest energy of emission
The rate of emission is dependent upon the time the molecule remains within the excitation state (the excited state lifetime τ f ) Optical saturation occurs when the rate of excitation exceeds the reciprocal of τ f In a scanned image of 512 x 768 pixels (400,000 pixels) if scanned in 1 second requires a dwell time per pixel of 2 x sec. Molecules that remain in the excitation beam for extended periods have higher probability of interstate crossings and thus phosphorescence Usually, increasing dye concentration can be the most effective means of increasing signal when energy is not the limiting factor (i.e. laser based confocal systems) Material Source: Pawley: Handbook of Confocal Microscopy Excitation saturation
Defined as the irreversible destruction of an excited fluorophore Methods for countering photo-bleaching Scan for shorter times Use high magnification, high NA objective Use wide emission filters Reduce excitation intensity Use “antifade” reagents (not compatible with viable cells) Photo-bleaching
Not a chemical process Dynamic quenching Collisional process usually controlled by mutual diffusion Typical quenchers oxygen Aliphatic and aromatic amines (IK, NO2, CHCl3) Static Quenching Formation of ground state complex between the fluorophores and quencher with a non-fluorescent complex (temperature dependent – if you have higher quencher ground state complex is less likely and therefore less quenching Quenching
Fluorophore EX peak EM peak % Max Excitation at nm Excitation and emission peaks Material Source: Pawley: Handbook of Confocal Microscopy FITC Bodipy Tetra-M-Rho L-Rhodamine Texas Red CY
FITC PE APC PerCP ™ Cascade Blue Coumerin-phalloidin Texas Red ™ Tetramethylrhodamine-amines CY3 (indotrimethinecyanines) CY5 (indopentamethinecyanines) Probe ExcitationEmission Probes for proteins
Hoechst (AT rich) (uv) DAPI (uv) POPO YOYO Acridine Orange (RNA) Acridine Orange (DNA) Thiazole Orange (vis) TOTO Ethidium Bromide PI (uv/vis) Aminoactinomycin D (7AAD) Probes for nucleotides
GFP GFP - Green Fluorescent GFP is from the chemiluminescent jellyfish Aequorea victoria excitation maxima at 395 and 470 nm (quantum efficiency is 0.8) Peak emission at 509 nm contains a p-hydroxybenzylidene-imidazolone chromophore generated by oxidation of the Ser-Tyr-Gly at positions of the primary sequence Major application is as a reporter gene for assay of promoter activity requires no added substrates
Many possibilities for using multiple probes with a single excitation Multiple excitation lines are possible Combination of multiple excitation lines or probes that have same excitation and quite different emissions e.g. Calcein AM and Ethidium (ex 488 nm) emissions 530 nm and 617 nm Multiple emissions
Effective between Å only Emission and excitation spectrum must significantly overlap Donor transfers non-radiatively to the acceptor PE-Texas Red ™ Carboxyfluorescein-Sulforhodamine B Non radiative energy transfer – a quantum mechanical process of resonance between transition dipoles Energy transfer
FRET Intensity Wavelength Absorbance DONOR Absorbance Fluorescence ACCEPTOR Molecule 1Molecule 2 Fluorescence resonance energy tranfer
Confocal microscopy
confocal scanning laser microscope laser beam used to illuminate spots on specimen computer compiles images created from each point to generate a 3-dimensional image Confocal microscopy
Reduced blurring of the image from light scattering Increased effective resolution Improved signal to noise ratio Clear examination of thick specimens Z-axis scanning Depth perception in Z-sectioned images Magnification can be adjusted electronically Benefits of confocal microscopy
Fluorescent Microscope Objective Arc Lamp Emission Filter Excitation Diaphragm Ocular Excitation Filter Objective Laser Emission Pinhole Excitation Pinhole PMT Emission Filter Excitation Filter Confocal Microscope The different microscopes
767, 1023, , Start Specimen Frames/Sec# Lines Scan path of the laser beam
PK2 cells stained for microtubules
stained for microtubules (green) and nuclei (blue) Copapod appendage
Eye of Drosophila
Spirogyra crassa
electrons scatter when they pass through thin sections of a specimen transmitted electrons (those that do not scatter) are used to produce image denser regions in specimen, scatter more electrons and appear darker Electron microscope
Transmission electron microscope
Provides a view of the internal structure of a cell Only very thin section of a specimen (about 100nm) can be studied Magnification is X Has a resolution 1000X better than light microscope Resolution is about 0.5 nm transmitted electrons (those that do not scatter) are used to produce image denser regions in specimen, scatter more electrons and appear darker Transmission electron microscope
TEM of a plant cell
TEM of outer shell of tumour spheroid
No sectioning is required Magnification is X Resolving power is about 20nm produces a 3-dimensional image of specimen’s surface features Uses electrons as the source of illumination, instead of light Scanning electron microscope
Contrast Incident Electron Beam Contrast formation
Ribosome with SEM
SEM of tumour spheroid
Scanning electron microscope
Fly head