AO4ELT - Paris Giant Magellan Telescope Project Science Drivers & AO Requirements Patrick McCarthy - GMT Director Phil Hinz & Michael Hart - GMT AO Team AO4ELT - June 22, 2009
AO4ELT - Paris The GMT Partners US Institutions Carnegie Institution Harvard University Smithsonian Institution Texas A&M University University of Arizona University of Texas Austin International Institutions Astronomy Australia Limited Australian National University Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute
AO4ELT - Paris The GMT Concept Giant-Segmented Mirror Telescope 1μm 380 sq. meters f/8 Gregorian Segmented Adaptive Secondary Natural Seeing 20 FOV Ground-Layer Correction 8 FOV Diffraction-limited 20 - 40 FOV
AO4ELT - Paris Gregorian Instrument Mounting Survey, GLAO, & Mid-IR instruments below LTAO instruments above
AO4ELT - Paris Instrument Platform Top Layout Natural seeing instruments AO relay AO instruments GLAO/LGS wavefront sensors 10 m 16 m
AO4ELT - Paris Gregorian Instrument Rotator GLAO & Mid-IR Instruments Instrument platform (IP) Multiple instrument mounting
AO4ELT - Paris Instrument Development GMT Instrument ConceptsMode λ specification (microns) High resolution near-IR camera LTAO High contrast Mid-IR AO imager NGSAO & 3-5 Near-IR echelle spectrograph AO & NS0.9-5 High resolution optical spectrometer NS Wide-field multi-object near-IR spectrograph GLAO Wide-field multi-object optical spectrograph NS Near-IR integral field spectrometer LTAO1 – 2.5 Mode: AO = adaptive optics, NS = natural seeing NIRMOSGMTNIRSGMACS
AO4ELT - Paris AO Science Drivers Exoplanet Studies Imaging exoplanets in reflected light Thermal radiation from young exoplanets Structure of debris disks Stellar Populations IMF variations Star Formation Histories Black Hole Demographics Galaxy Assembly Structure & Dynamics of Galaxies at z > 2 First Light Studies
AO4ELT - Paris L band detection limit 16x improved with ~4x larger diameter 3.8 um: 25 Jy10 um: 750 Jy 3 λ/D: 0.48”3 λ/D: 1.0” 3.8 um: 1.5 Jy10 um: 45 Jy 3 λ/D: 0.11”3 λ/D: 0.25” Detect 5-10 M J giant planets zody warm debris disks Detect <1 M J planets 3-10 zody warm debris disks 1 hour 5 sigma limits Mid-IR Imaging of Exoplanets GMT can undertake comprehensive study of giant planets in > 3 AU range around stars at 30 pc. HR8799 MMT
AO4ELT - Paris Nascent Planetary Systems JWST GMT ALMA JWST GMT 10 AU Pic at 11 m Gemini ELTs have the spatial resolution to probe the zone where Earth-like rocky planets live
AO4ELT - Paris Globular Cluster around Cen A 3.8Mpc 3pc core radius H-band HST GeminiGMT 2 4mas pixels Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics Resolving Distant Stellar Systems with AO
AO4ELT - Paris Resolving Distant Stellar Systems with AO Gemini 8m GMT 25m Globular Cluster around Cen A 3.8Mpc 3pc core radius H-band
AO4ELT - Paris UDF 6462, H-band, NIFS, Hα z = 1.57, M B = -21.0, 5 hr object, 5 hr sky HUDF - i NIFS - Sum Clump cluster
AO4ELT - Paris UDF 6462, H-band, GMTIFS, Hα z = 1.57, M B = -21.0, 5 hr object, 5 hr sky HUDF - i GMT - Sum Clump cluster
AO4ELT - Paris Image Sharpening with GLAO 15 x 15 60 mas pixels 0.5 FWHM0.15 FWHM The GMT architecture is ideally suited for Ground-Layer AO Native Seeing GLAO
AO4ELT - Paris Adaptive Optics Prioritization Three guiding considerations: 1. The AO system should allow us to meet our science goals 2. It should build on the natural strengths of the GMT - low thermal IR foot print - ground-layer conjugation with wide-field of view - clean diffraction pattern 3. A clear upgrade path that uses much of the first generation hardware
AO4ELT - Paris AO Science Targets TargetsRequirements Exoplanets, debris disks,Diffraction-limited images & IFU Spectra AGN, black holessmall sizes, low sky density, no multiplexing High Strehl, small field, low-background - Laser Tomography (LTAO) & NGS AO z > 2 galaxiesRange of sampling scales, IFU & slit spectra small sizes, moderate sky density All-sky, range of Strehl, range of field, near-IR only - GLAO & LTAO Resolved stellar populationsDiffraction-limited, emphasis on photometry range of sizes, low sky density All-sky, high Strehl, large field - LTAO & MCAO
AO4ELT - Paris ModeDescription Laser tomography AO (LTAO) “All-sky” high Strehl - Sodium beacons adaptive secondary is DM Ground Layer AO (GLAO) “All sky” - Sodium beacons factor of 2-4 image size reduction, 9′ FOV Adaptive secondary conjugates to ground-layer Natural Guide Star AO (NGSAO) High Strehl - natural guide stars within the isoplanatic patch Multi-Conjugate ~1′ diameter field, diffraction-limited, uniform PSF 12km conjugate DM in AO relay Extreme AO (ExAO) High contrast, high Strehl for exoplanet detection tweeter DM in instrument First Generation GMT AO Modes
19 AO Features Unique to the GMT ASM allows low background observations at > 2 µm. For 25 m telescope, AO correction is needed even at 10 microns. Exoplanet imaging and planet formation science drivers are strengthened by this design choice. ASM and wide-field telescope design enables GLAO. Will increase the sensitivity and resolution of the planned multi-object NIR and visible spectrographs for GMT. Galaxy assembly and high-z science drivers are strengthened by this design choice.
GCAR, Pasadena CA, April 27-29, AO system20 System Performance System is designed to maximize science return with minimal technical development: Adaptive Secondary Mirrors are near-replicas of LBT, VLT design Laser Guide Star system builds on Na laser development for current telescopes. Laser Projection system is similar to MMT design. Expected AO performance is similar to MMT/LBT systems. Within the technical constraints above, the system performance and design is derived from the science requirements and the science instrument needs.
21 AO System Performance Wavefront error source RMS wavefront error (nm) NGSLTAOExAO Primary mirror figure20 15 Secondary mirror figure20 15 Piston anisoplanatism (1 min calibration)25 0 Piston errors from primary edge sensors25 AO optical train (non-common path)18210 Science instrument20 7 Fitting error Atmospheric temporal lag93 61 WFS measurement noise propagation Reconstruction error52950 High order total '0 Residual windshake50 30 Total: On-axis Total: 1′
22 AO System Performance NGS performance versus guide star brightness 1 ms 2 ms 10 ms 5 ms AO System Performance versus wavelength S J = 36% S H = 56% S K = 72% S L’ = 90% S M = 94% Wavelength (µm) V magnitude (K5 star) K band Strehl Ratio Strehl Ratio
AO4ELT - Paris
AO4ELT - Paris GMT 8.4m Off-Axis Prototype The first GMT primary segment is in the polishing/figuring stage Completion date: March 2010 GMT Segment #1 at the Steward Observatory Mirror Lab
AO4ELT - Paris Schedule
Astronomical Society of Australia Meeting - Perth July 0826 GMT’s AO Top-Level Requirements Play to its Strengths: Mid-IR with Adaptive Secondary Wide-field Ground-Layer AO Laser Tomography Seeing-Limited Requirements and Instruments are also important… High Dispersion Spectrographs Wide-field Multi-Object Spectrographs
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AO4ELT - Paris Adaptive Optics Prioritization GMT First Generation AO Modes: - “all sky” laser tomography AO high Strehl, 20 - 40 field of view, depending on - Ground layer adaptive optics 8 diameter field, factor of improvement in FWHM, EE - Natural guide star AO high Strehl, small field of view, low thermal IR background Upgrade modes: MCAO (2nd DM in AO relay) ExAO (2nd DM in instrument)
AO4ELT - Paris L band detection limit 40x improved with ~3x larger diameter 3.8 um: 25 Jy10 um: 750 Jy 3 λ/D: 0.48”3 λ/D: 1.0” 3.8 um: 0.6 Jy10 um: 18 Jy 3 λ/D: 0.11”3 λ/D: 0.25” Detect 5-10 M J giant planets zody warm debris disks Detect <1 M J planets 3-10 zody warm debris disks 1 hour 5 sigma limits Mid-IR Imaging of Exoplanets GMT can undertake comprehensive study of giant planets in > 3 AU range around stars at 30 pc.
AO4ELT - Paris AO Imaging of Young Planets 8m Angular Separation (mas) 2 /D at 1.5 m 42m30m25m8m
AO4ELT - Paris AO System Layout LGS Projector Laser beam relay Laser house Adaptive secondary mirror (ASM) AO Focal Plane Assembly (FPA) Optical relay LGS wavefront sensors Phasing camera AO instruments top view
AO4ELT - Paris AO System Overview Laser Housing Adaptive Secondary Mirror (~4700 actuators) Laser Projector AO relay and Narrow-field WFS GLAO WFS top view
AO4ELT - Paris Three independent measurements Principal optical test Full-aperture, interferometric test Scanning pentaprism test Measures low-order aberrations via slopes Laser Tracker Plus Scans surface with laser tracker Works on ground or polished surface
AO4ELT - Paris Phase Apodization 1.65 m, 5% band. Diffraction only, no wavefront error suppression at 4 /D, 56 mas companion
AO4ELT - Paris AO Imaging of Massive Planets Angular Separation (mas) 3 /D at 1 m 8m25m30m42m Log Contrast
AO4ELT - Paris AO Studies of Black Hole Demographics 8m GMT 1.22 m
AO4ELT - Paris AO Imaging of Young Planets 8m Angular Separation (mas) 2 /D at 5 m GMT8m