Reflection vs. Refraction
Refraction Refraction of Light: Bend or change direction 1. As light rays enter a new medium the cause light to bend 2. The denser the medium – the slower the light travels 3. Index of Refraction: a measure of how much a medium bends the light that travels through it. 4. The faster the beam, it will bend away from normal, the slower the beam, it will bend toward the normal.
A mirage is a visual distortion produced by the refraction of light. Some mirages produce a mirror or a watery image, and others may make an object appear larger or smaller, nearer or further away.
The ray model says… Light has four different ways in which it can interact with matter. Medium 1 Medium 2 Reflection
Light has four different ways in which it can interact with matter. Medium 1 Medium 2 Refraction
Light has four different ways in which it can interact with matter. Medium 1 Medium 2 Scattering
Light has four different ways in which it can interact with matter. Medium 1 Medium 2 Absorption
Reflective Objects
Reflection Diffuse Reflection Regular Reflection Reflection off Paper Reflection off a Mirror
Law of Reflection Normal - an imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the surface
Reflections in a Mirror
An observer observes a light source S in a mirror An observer observes a light source S in a mirror. Where does he perceive the mirror image of S to be located? ●1 ●3 ●4 S ●2
How big does a mirror have to be in order to see your entire length in it? Half His Height!
To see more of her head in the mirror, she … 1. should hold the mirror closer 2. should hold the mirror farther away 3. needs a bigger mirror
Refraction As light travels from one medium to another, the speed of light changes and the light bends accordingly. i R
n1 sin I = n2 sinR Snell’s Law: The Law of Refraction Index of Refraction of the media in which the angle of incidence is Index of Refraction of the media in which the angle of refraction is
Index of Refraction Cannot be less than 1.00 Air = 1.00 Glass = 1.5 Water = 1.33
Bruno wishes to “spear” a fish with a laser Bruno wishes to “spear” a fish with a laser. Should he aim the laser beam… above 2. below 3. directly at the observed fish to make a direct hit?
Light is incident on a block of glass as shown Light is incident on a block of glass as shown. Which ray is the refracted ray? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Calculate the critical angle θ from glass (n=1.5) to air. 52.9o 2. 41.8o 3. 32.2o 4. 22.5o 5. 12.3o θ
Calculate the critical angle θ from glass (n=1.5) to air. 52.9o 2. 41.8o 3. 32.2o 4. 22.5o 5. 12.3o θ n1 sin I = n2 sinR 1.5 sin I = 1.0 sin 90 sin I = .667 I = 41.8
Fiber Optics
Fiber optics uses total internal reflection