Survivorship How we changed our service How to manage service changes Results
Macmillan estimate that : About 2 million people are survivors of cancer. 1:10 people over 65 Are living with a cancer diagnosis Need to do something else for follow-up !
Looked at the value of a clinic appointments: To monitor for local recurrence, Manage the late effects of treatment Provide information, support and reassurance for patients. Many patients are willing to take responsibility for seeking medical attention in the event of symptoms arising (Gulliford et al 1997)
What is the problem with clinics? What do patients ask us? What is available now?..BCC courses What can we provide ?
BCC course as baseline Four week educational programme Covering all areas that our patients question Developed pilot study Continuous assessment / evaluations
69% response rate 84% attended all the course 94% found course beneficial
Being in a group and hearing from other women. Also being lead by very well trained facilitators and nice refreshments. I liked being with other ladies who had been through similar treatments and the speakers who came especially the exercise and diet, plus the Lymphoedema advice. Very informative and as the breast nurses and experts made the session very revealing. Getting to know other people in the group. I enjoyed all of it more than I thought I would have done.
I would liked the course sessions to be longer. I enjoyed all the course but at times I found it too involved and a little frightening. The first part where we did not need to be reminded. Nothing I found everything refreshing and very helpful Diet for healthy living
Breast Care Nurses16 Prosthetic/Bra Services14 GP 12 Breast Clinic8 Reconstruction Services6 Genetics Service 5 Breast Cancer Care4 The Haven (Leeds)4 Lymphoedema Services1
The majority (84%) attended every session on the course. Reasons for the 15% that did not attend were ‘being unwell’. 94% (48) of patients found the course beneficial. In relation to what the patient’s liked most about the content of the course, the most common themes were – reassurance; sharing experiences and meeting people who have gone through similar experiences.
In relation, to what patients liked the least about the course content, the most common themes were – Talking about the diagnosis and treatment; diet and healthy living talks; relaxation and psychological skills talk was rushed. Majority of patients were ‘very happy’ with the fact they have not been required to attend any hospital breast care appointments a year after attending the course. Majority (69%) of patients have contacted their breast care nurse during the past year for things such as – test results to information about particular concerns they had.
Service was better quality Patients were satisfied No extra calls or appointments Award winning! Transferrable to other specialities
Identify the drivers for the project : a) Survivorship issues and self management policies as suggested by DOH. b) Providing excellent quality service provision c) To many patients, to little clinic time d) No proven benefit to follow-up clinics e) Supported by the YCN f) Money savings?
A) Follow-up policies b) Nurse-led initiatives
CNS support MD team support Managers support Commissioners support
Project manager on site required to co ordinate project Key members required: business manager, general manager, contracting dept. representative, CNS
Any available audits of clinic satisfaction Service Specification Patient Pathway Staff/costings: table Template/ chart of processes timetabling
Developing the programme. The follow-up programme running at CRH/HRI has been well evaluated. Our research is based on our programme format so any great deviations from this would not be research based.
Recording attendees and DNA’s. Sending out joining information. Patients do not always turn up at the course and will need to be chased with key information if they are not having hospital appointments. Volunteers, can support the programme
Venue Speakers
The course was well run and staff were approachable and informative. The speakers were confident and reassuring. I took away lots of positives, enabling me to move forward and I enjoyed meeting all the other participants.
100% of participants strongly agreed they were satisfied with the quality of the course All sessions were very useful and interesting. It was lovely to meet people with the same experiences. Excellent course!’ 93% of participants felt the course fully met their needs and expectations. 7% felt it met their needs in part.
Changing service provision is acceptable if everyone is in collaboration Patients accept what you tell them if it is valuable and an acceptable alternative, for you and them.
But I think I got away with it……….