Attosecond Light and Science at the Time-scale of the Electron – Coherent X-rays from Ultrafast Lasers Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane
EUV ERC Overview-- thrust 3 Spectroscopy May 6, 2008 Outline Take attosecond electron rescattering physics, discovered just over 20 years ago, to generate tabletop coherent x-ray beams Use ultrafast x-rays to visualize, interact with, and control the nanoworld, to simultaneously manipulate electrons, atoms and molecules in quantum systems Table-top microscopes and nanoprobes with unprecedented elemental, spatial and temporal resolution Henry C. Kapteyn 2
Bright, coherent, ultrafast, soft x-ray beams on a tabletop EUV ERC Overview-- thrust 3 Spectroscopy May 6, 2008 Bright, coherent, ultrafast, soft x-ray beams on a tabletop Focus a femtosecond laser beam into a gas Extreme nonlinear optics upshifts visible laser light into the x-ray region When laser and x-ray phase velocities matched, get coherent bright output Laser-like, ultrafast, soft x-ray beams from 3 – 30 nm Electron paths Henry C. Kapteyn 3
EUV ERC Overview-- thrust 3 Spectroscopy May 6, 2008 Applications of coherent, ultrafast, x-ray beams span a broad range of science and technology Molecular imaging: image changing electronic orbital and molecular structure (Science 317, 1374 (2007); Science 322, 1081 (2008); Science 322, 1207 (2008)) Surface science: probe charge transfer processes on surfaces (PRL 101, 046101 (2008)) Magnetics: Probe nanodomains, magnetic dynamics (Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 257402 (2009)) Nanoimaging: High resolution 3D imaging of thick samples using coherent lensless imaging (OL 34, 1618 (2009); PNAS 105, 24 (2008); Nature 460, 1088 (2009); Nature tbp (Jan 14, 2010)) High frequency acoustic metrology: Characterize thin films, interfaces, adhesion (Applied Physics Letters 94, 093103 (2009)) Nanothermal transport: probe heat flow in nanostructures (Nature Materials, accepted (2009)) Henry C. Kapteyn 4
EUV ERC Overview-- thrust 3 Spectroscopy May 6, 2008 Applications of coherent, ultrafast, x-ray beams span a broad range of science and technology How fast can a magnetic material switch? How do nanodomains interact? How to catalysts work? Can nanoparticles enhance photovoltaic efficiency? How are electrons and atoms dynamically coupled in a molecule? How fast can an electron change states? Molecular imaging: image changing electronic orbital and molecular structure (Science 317, 1374 (2007); Science 322, 1081 (2008); Science 322, 1207 (2008)) Surface science: probe charge transfer processes on surfaces (PRL 101, 046101 (2008)) Magnetics: Probe nanodomains, magnetic dynamics (Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 257402 (2009)) Image thick samples at the nanometer level using a tabletop lensless microscope How to probe and characterize interfaces, adhesion, and very thin films? How fast does heat flow from a nanostructure into the bulk? Nanoimaging: High resolution 3D imaging of thick samples using coherent lensless imaging (OL 34, 1618 (2009); PNAS 105, 24 (2008); Nature 460, 1088 (2009); Nature tbp (Jan 14, 2010)) High frequency acoustic metrology: Characterize thin films, interfaces, adhesion (Applied Physics Letters 94, 093103 (2009)) Nanothermal transport: probe heat flow in nanostructures (Nature Materials, accepted (2009)) Henry C. Kapteyn 5