Prenatal Care What you need to know…
Prenatal, or existing before birth, care is essential to the health of the mother and the baby. Throughout Pregnancy, prenatal care varies depending on the timeline of the pregnancy.
Pregnancy Characteristics: First Trimester: months 1 – 3 Second Trimester: months 4 – 6 Third Trimester: months What feelings/changes should a mother expect?
Typical Feelings/Changes during each Trimester 1 st Trimester -Breasts swell and become tender -Morning sickness/Nausea occurs -Fatigue and exertion -Hormonal changes cause increased emotions -Frequent Headaches are very common
Typical Feelings/Changes during each Trimester 2 nd Trimester -Belly starts to swell, pregnancy begins to show -Movements should be felt -Appetite increases -Morning sickness usually subsides -Best “feeling” Trimester
Typical Feelings/Changes during each Trimester 3rd Trimester -Average weight gain pounds -Mother’s heart beat increases -Fatigue comes back by end -Frequent Urination -Back pain from weight gain
Prenatal care Requires constant attention and being “in tune” with your body throughout the entire pregnancy… It also means spending a lot of time following carefully prescribed prenatal care guidelines… But what does a mother need to do for premium prenatal care?
Prenatal Care Project: Imagine you were just hired to work at an OBGYN’s office. Your first task from the doctor is to create a video for the website outlining basic prenatal care an expectant mother. Requirements: -You will broken into 5 groups -Each group will have an area of specialty -You will have 1 minute or less on film -One, or all, of your members may speak -The material must be clear and easy to follow Groups: -Medical Care (what care must the mother get) -Nutrition and Exercise (what should/shouldn’t a mother do) -Tests (what tests during medical care should a mother expect) -Complications (what should a mother know about) -Dangers (what substances should a mother avoid and why)
Grading : This will count as a test grade! Each group will be graded separately as follows: 40% - Information - Did your group cover all material necessary? Was the information accurate? 20% - Professional - Did you take this project seriously? Does your portion of the video look professional? 20% - Delivery -Is your portion easy to follow? Would a new mother be confused or relieved after viewing your portion? 20% - Participation - Did all group members contribute? Did you work well as a professional committee?