OCR Nationals Unit 1: ICT Skills for Business AO2 - Bibliography Mr Farmer
Learning/Lesson Objectives We Are Learning To (WALT): Provide our sources so we do not break Copyright law What I am Looking For (WILF): A completed bibliography for all sources of information and media used in your PowerPoint presentation.
Assessment Criteria PassMeritDistinction They will provide their source(s) website addresses. They will provide their source(s) website addresses and will comment on the trustworthiness of the source. They will comment on the validity of their source(s): provide name of their source(s) website addresses, note trustworthiness of source(s) and date of information.
Evidence You need to complete AO2_Bibliogrpahy –MyComputer > Student (S) > ICT > key_stage_4 > national_certificate > unit_one_ICT_core > AO2 > Internet
What is a Bibliography? A bibliography is a list of resources used or referred to by an author. Bibliographies used to be lists of written resources. Today, however, they often include information on other resources such as the following: Websites Video and audio tapes Computer resources (Animation, Images, Sounds, Video) Speeches/Interviews A bibliography item usually includes information such as the following: Source's name Date of publication or interview Name of publication or resource Place of publication or interview
Example Bibliography Entries (Text and Image) Below are 2 example Bibliography entries to help with your work. Web addressTrustworthiness of site? Yes or No Date last accessed Web Site is about …Good for information on… I used this information in? org/lingualinks /literacy/refe rencematerials /GlossaryOfLi teracyTerms/ WhatIsABiblio graphy.htm Yes Updated information and Author Details 24 th June 2009 What is a bibliography? What a Bibliograph y should contain Slide 5 (What is a bibliography?) of my PowerPoint Presentation ehack.org/wp- content/files/ 2007/02/ pileofbooks.jpg endorsed by many major newspapers and publishers, and it is rated in the #100 most popular blog in the blogosphere. It is a frequently updated blog. 24 th June 2009 This site dedicated to lifehacks. The phrase describes any hacks, tips and tricks that get things done quickly by automating, increase productivity and organising. News and articles which able you to get things done in a faster pace. Slide 5 (What is a bibliography?) of my PowerPoint Presentation