Pregnancy at its stages! By: Natasha Cutright
Month 1 FOR THE BABY Size of a pin at two weeks Egg is attached/ing FOR THE MOM Missed period Enlarged breast Frequent urination
Month 2 FOR THE BABY Size about ¼ in Face, eyes, ears, and limbs develop Bones begin to form Becomes a fetus FOR MOM Swelling breast Increased peeing Morning sickness
Month 3 FOR THE BABY Size about 1 in Nostrils, mouth, lips, teeth buds, eyelids form Fingers and toes almost totally developed All organs present but immature FOR MOM Breast firmer/fuller, may ache Nausea Fatigue Abdomen slightly larger
Month 4 FOR BABY About 3 in long Can suck thumb, swallow, hiccup and move around Facial features are clearer FOR MOM Appetite increases Morning sickness usually gone Abdomen still growing
Month 5 FOR BABY Size about 6-7in long weighs about 4-5ounces as month begins Hair eyelashes and eyebrows appear Organs maturing More active FOR MOM Fetal movements sensed such as strong kicks- some may be visible Weight gain may be pounds
Month 6 FOR BABY Size about 8-10in long weighs about 8-12 ounces as month begins FOR MOM Slight fetal movements Posture may be effected
Month 7 FOR BABY Size is about weighs 1 ½ - 2 pounds Weight gain is rapid May react to loud noises Moves head into down position FOR MOM Increased size effecting posture
Month 8