Alcohol Advertising: Are Our Kids Collateral or Intended Targets? Alcohol Advertising: Are Our Kids Collateral or Intended Targets?
Beer Institute Advertising Code Beer Institute Advertising Code Beer advertising…should not be placed…where most of the audience is reasonably expected to be below the legal purchasing age. Beer advertising…should not be placed…where most of the audience is reasonably expected to be below the legal purchasing age. -- Advertising & Marketing Code Beer Institute, September 1997
Lisa Leslie Lisa Leslie A role model for girls: 2001 Sportswoman of the Year 2001 Sportswoman of the Year Appeared in youth oriented TV shows (Moesha and Disney Channel’s “The Jersey”) Appeared in youth oriented TV shows (Moesha and Disney Channel’s “The Jersey”) Outreach activities at day camps, boys and girls clubs, and with inner-city youth. Outreach activities at day camps, boys and girls clubs, and with inner-city youth. Advertising for Bud Light. Advertising for Bud Light.
WNBA and Nike “The Nike/WNBA leagues and clinics will provide increased opportunities for girls…to become involved in basketball.” (WNBA Pres. Val Ackerman) “The Nike/WNBA leagues and clinics will provide increased opportunities for girls…to become involved in basketball.” (WNBA Pres. Val Ackerman) “Girls need inspiration and a chance to play. The WNBA and its players serve as the inspiration. [W]hat [the girls] get is…a lot of life lessons.” (Sue Levin, Nike women’s brand manager) “Girls need inspiration and a chance to play. The WNBA and its players serve as the inspiration. [W]hat [the girls] get is…a lot of life lessons.” (Sue Levin, Nike women’s brand manager)
WNBA and Bud Light WNBA and Bud Light Sponsorship of the WNBA and the U.S. Olympic women’s basketball team “provides Bud Light an excellent platform… to reach the expanding fan base provided by women’s professional sports.” Sponsorship of the WNBA and the U.S. Olympic women’s basketball team “provides Bud Light an excellent platform… to reach the expanding fan base provided by women’s professional sports.” -- Anheuser-Busch Spokesperson
NBC Attracting Young People NBC Attracting Young People “[the] Winter Games in particular are really all about speed, all about edge. It’s really perfect for a younger demographic.” “[the] Winter Games in particular are really all about speed, all about edge. It’s really perfect for a younger demographic.” -- Randy Falco, NBC President & COO, Olympics -- Randy Falco, NBC President & COO, Olympics
Alcopops Target Young People Alcopops Target Young People Teens are three times more likely than adults to have seen or heard about alcopops. Teens are three times more likely than adults to have seen or heard about alcopops. Teens (41%) are nearly twice as likely as adults (24%) to have tried alcopops. Teens (41%) are nearly twice as likely as adults (24%) to have tried alcopops. -- CSPI Poll, May 2001
Youth Targeting [T]he…youth orientation of [flavored malt beverages] is key to the market…. Nearly one-quarter of the people age 19 to 20 drink coolers…, accounting for 7 percent of all cooler drinkers.” [T]he…youth orientation of [flavored malt beverages] is key to the market…. Nearly one-quarter of the people age 19 to 20 drink coolers…, accounting for 7 percent of all cooler drinkers.” -- Super Market Research, Mintel International Group Limited, May/June 2001
FTC Position on Effects of Alcohol Advertising FTC Position on Effects of Alcohol Advertising The inconclusive nature of the studies “does not rule out the existence of a clinically important effect of advertising on youth drinking decisions.” The inconclusive nature of the studies “does not rule out the existence of a clinically important effect of advertising on youth drinking decisions.” -- Self-Regulation in the Alcohol Industry, FTC, September 1999
U.S. Supreme Court on Effects of Advertising U.S. Supreme Court on Effects of Advertising Product advertising stimulates demand and the absence of it suppresses it. Product advertising stimulates demand and the absence of it suppresses it. Lorillard Tobacco vs. Massachusetts Lorillard Tobacco vs. Massachusetts June 28, 2001 June 28, 2001