© American Student Achievement Institute May be reproduced with proper citation for educational purposes.
We’d never dream of coaching basketball without keeping stats. Stats tell us if our coaching is making a difference. HOW WILL WE KNOW IF OUR ADVISORY PROGRAM IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE? American Student Achievement Institute
GUIDANCE INDICATORS Accountability American Student Achievement Institute
1.I can describe my personal learning style. 2.I can identify identified a career cluster that matches my interests. 3.I can use a conflict management model to to solve a problem between two friends. A.Yes B.Don’t Know C.No A.Yes B.Don’t Know C.No A.Yes B.Don’t Know C.No Pre- & Post- Survey SCANTRON SURVEY FORM American Student Achievement Institute
Part 1: Self Knowledge Activities Part 2: Exploration Activities Part 3:Planning Activities (goals) Part 4:Achievement Data Part 5:Best Work Part 6:Leadership Part 7:Self-Management Part 8:Team-Building Part 9:Problem Solving Guidance Portfolio American Student Achievement Institute
Working on the ICHS Portfolio American Student Achievement Institute
MULTIPLE CHOICE EXHIBITIONS Other Assessment Models American Student Achievement Institute
STUDENT CHOICES Accountability American Student Achievement Institute
BehavioralAcademicCareer Tardy Rate Attendance Rate % Having Discipline Referrals % Suspended % Expelled Enrollment Patterns % Completing All Homework % Participating in Extra Help Programs % Visiting Post HS Campus % Taking PLAN and PSAT % Participating Job Shadowing % Conducting Information Interview % Participating in Internship STUDENT CHOICE DATA American Student Achievement Institute
Student Choices TASK % Enrolling In Algebra 74% % Having a course plan that aligns with their postsecondary plans 57% % 10th taking the PLAN (pre ACT) 22% % 11 th grade taking the PSAT 28% % 12th planning to continue education after high school 69% 100% 91% 57% 82% American Student Achievement Institute
ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Accountability American Student Achievement Institute
State Testing Programs National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Northwest Educational Assessment (NWEA) Middle Grades Assessment (MGA) End-of-Course Tests % Passing Specific Courses or Subjects % Passing Academic Core ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT American Student Achievement Institute
Increases in Student Achievement % of 9 th graders passing Algebra CurrentTargetEvaluationVision 100 % 62%80% American Student Achievement Institute
© American Student Achievement Institute May be reproduced with proper citation for educational purposes.