Balance! Balance is the ability to control the body's position either staying still for example a hand stand or while moving for example gymnastics will need a lot of balance. You will use balance in basketball because when you do a smash hit you jump up and score but you will need to have balance because other wise you will fall mid air. Kobe Bryant would need balance for when he scores so he doesn't fall over. If you had poor balance you would constantly be doing poor foot work and the other players will get the ball. Also you would be tripping over when trying to get the ball off the other players.
Power! Power is a combination of strength and speed you use speed in basketball to get the ball off the other players and be in the right place at the right time. You need strength in basketball to jump up and do a smash shot you would need the strength in your legs. Dwight Howard would need power because he plays in the centre and he would need strength to be able to pass the ball to the other players. If you did not have enough speed then you would not be able to be in the right place at the right time and the other players will get the ball. If you did not have enough strength then you wont have the strength to pass long distance.
Reaction time! Reaction time is how fast a person can respond to a stimulus. This can be used in basketball because you will need good reaction time to catch the ball when some one passes it to you. If you don’t have good reaction time in basketball, then you wont be able to catch the ball as easily, and at the beginning when the referee throws the ball up in the air between two players and you aren't alert then the other team will start off with the ball, this could lose you some pionts.Tim Duncan would need good reaction time because he plays in defence so he would have to be ready to defend his goal from the other team.
Co-Ordination! Coordination is the ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly and accurately. This may involve the senses, muscular contractions and joint movements. This can be used in basketball so you can co-ordinate when to catch the ball, and to dribble while running this would be called hand and eye co-ordination; if you didn’t have this in basket ball then you wouldn’t be able to get the ball down to the net as quickly as the other team. So, this could stop you from scoring because if you cant dribble and run at the same time and you are constantly throwing the ball which means other team is going to get the ball. Javelin McGee has good co-ordination because he is able to jump in the air to defend a goal and puts it all together so therefore he uses a lot of hand, eye and feet co-ordination.
Agility!! Agility is when you are able to change direction quickly. You will need this in Basket ball to get the ball and dribble the opposite way towards your goal. If you don’t have good agility then you could lose your team the game because you wont be able to change direction quickly to get the ball off the players or if your team member needs you quickly in a position and you cant get there in time because you aren't able to change direction as quick. Kyrie Irving has good agility because he is able to change direction quickly to get the ball away from the other team.
How many poeple use co- ordination,reaction time, agility,