SANDY KOUFAX A pitching legend
BIRTH Sandy Braun was born on December 30, In 1938 when Sandy was three, his parents divorced. His mother Evelyn moved in with her parents. She had to work as an accountant so Sandy was raised mostly by his grandfather, Max.
BASKETBALL Sandy enjoyed playing basketball more than any other sport when he was a child. At the Jewish Community House, he played basketball. In high school, he was the star of the basketball team. He loved playing basketball.
BASEBALL Baseball became his favorite sport during his senior year of high school. He became well known as a pitcher in college. Many Major League teams became interested in signing him. He signed with the Dodgers for $20,000.
BENCH WARMER Sandy was rarely given the chance to pitch early in his career. He was very wild sometimes. He was very inconsistent.
WINNING In 1955, Sandy’s first season, he did really good when he pitched, but sometimes he did bad. Alston, the manager, didn’t trust him yet. Fans wanted him to pitch more, but Sandy didn’t get the chance.
MOVING DAY Sandy Koufax was the last man to ever throw a pitch for the Brooklyn Dodgers before they moved to Los Angeles. The Dodgers were not ready to try for the World Series their first season in LA. Sandy, however, had an outstanding season.
PITCHING ASSISTANCE Norm Sherry noticed that Sandy was trying to overpower hitters. Sandy would throw a high fastball for a ball. Then he would do it again, and he’d walk him. Sherry helped him throw more curveballs and not overpower the batters.
ARTHRITIS Sandy was on a roll coming into the 1965 season. He was just reaching the peak of his career when he developed arthritis in his left arm! That was his throwing arm. Sandy went to a doctor and found out that he needed to stop pitching or he could lose the use of his left arm. He pitched one last painful season and then retired. The Dodgers were sad to see him go.
HALL OF FAME Sandy was elected into the Hall of Fame in He was well known as the best pitcher in baseball history.
RETIREMENT Sandy currently lives in Vero Beach, Florida at the age of seventy eight.