Safe Schools and School Safety Bullying/Harassment Crisis Planning Robert Compton, Ph.D.
Bullying and Harassment – It is required that schools have a policy in place and procedures to investigate student claims of bullying. – In cases where bullying happens about the “protected,” schools need to handle situations like this extra carefully. OCR could step in when bullying happens about someone’s “race, sex, religion, age, and disability... make sure that situations like this do not create a “hostile environment.” See attached OCR letter (10/26/10)
Bullying and Harassment
Schools must be able to document that they properly responded and investigated all reports of bullying and harassment. OCR is becoming more aggressive in their investigation of and citations towards districts for their failure to respond to claims of bullying/harassment, proper investigation of bullying/harassment, and prevent of future acts of bullying/harassment.
Bullying and Harassment Resources: – Disability-Based Bullying and Harassment in the Schools: Legal Requirements for Identifying, Investigating and Responding John W. Norlin, Esq. – Preventing Bullying: A Manual for Schools and Communities US Department of Education One copy of each has been provided to each of the schools
School Safety: Prevention The following are some of the necessary steps to effective preparation for any situation that disrupts routine activities on campus: – A “Grab and Go” kit is a vital part of your school’s emergency management capability. – Exercising of emergency plans, through either drills or administrative “table top” exercises will be very helpful in identifying weaknesses. – It should be remembered that emergency responders will not be familiar with your staff or students. For this reason, it should be considered critical that all students and staff have an issued picture ID that is worn on a lanyard around their neck at all times.
School Safety: Prevention Predefine roles and responsibilities. Develop methods for communicating with the staff, students, families, and the media. Obtain necessary equipment and supplies. Pre-planning meeting with local law enforcement and emergency responders.
School Requirements All charter schools need to have on file with the district a copy of their school’s crisis plan. This plan needs to be submitted no later than August 1, Plans are submitted to Robbie A sample crisis plan has been included in the USB Drive.
Free FEMA Course: Emergency Management Institute Introduction to the Incident Command System for Schools –
School Safety Resources Early Warning Timely Response (provided copy today) US Department of Education: Emergency Planning – ndex.html ndex.html Practical Information on Crisis Planning – crisisplanning.pdf crisisplanning.pdf Virginia Department of Education Model School Crisis Plan – ement/emergency_crisis_management/model_plan.pdf ement/emergency_crisis_management/model_plan.pdf