General Meeting #2 9/10/2015
Coach Tricia Cullop Talk: Leadership Join us for a talk on leadership from the women's basketball coach on Mon, September 21 Newman's 7:00pm
Dinner for Firefighters Come eat a delicious spaghetti dinner with firefighters to thank them for there service on Friday Sept. 11 Meet in the Newman 4:00pm to make the dinner We will 5:30pm to go eat at Station 25
Pizza for the Poor Come make pizzas for a local shelter on Wednesday Sept. 16 We will be racing this time so bring your “A Game” Meet in the Newman 7:00pm
Drive-in Movie When: Tuesday, September 15 Where: Sundance Drive-In Movie Theater Bring a chair and come join CSA in a drive- in movie! The movie will soon be announced.
Ann Arbor Trip When: Friday, September 25 Where: Ann Arbor Come for a night of good food and swing dancing in Ann Arbor, Michigan!
Religious Committee Zach Gibbemeyer Janey Piaskowski Meghan Oberle
Nature Walk at Wildwood Come explore God’s creation at Wildwood Metropark on September 12 th ! We will meet at 10:45 in the Newman Rooms to carpool.
Fall Retreat at Glen Helen Join us for a weekend away filled with faith, fun, and fellowship! Retreat is October 2-4 th. Cost is $20 For more information see the flyer.
IGNITE at Little Flower Parish Come dive deeper into your faith with Adoration, Confession, and praise and worship music at a local parish! Carpool meets at 6:30 on September 30 th.
Fuel Your Faith: Sacraments of Initiation Join us on Thursday September 24 th Newman 6:30pm Contact
Girls/Boys Night: Glamour Photo Shoot & UT Football Girls: Get glamorous and strut your stuff Boys: Let’s watch UT take on Arkansas Saturday September 12 th Time: 4pm More details to follow Contact or
Help The Hogar Sept. 27 th at 2pm Centennial Mall
Homecoming! Theme, Nominations, Float building
Parent Chili tailgate Enjoy a chili dinner during parents weekend before the UT vs. Iowa St. Sept. 19 th at 5:30pm Painting up with the