Leveraging CMT to Improve Performance Cassandra Holzhauer, Research Analyst, Ventura County Jean Hooper, Staff Information Systems Analyst, DCSS David Kilgore, Chief Deputy Director, Los Angeles County Jennifer Shank, Child Support Services Supervisor, Sonoma County Susan to introduce speakers
Agenda Segmenting CMT to improve your caseload Exporting your data to Excel Tips and Tricks when working CMT The Future of CMT Cassandra and David will go over goals and objectives of the workshop
Lessons from Basketball Cassandra will correlate CMT to the backboard when playing basketball. As the backboard is used to help you make a basket, so is CMT.
FILTER CRITERIA SELECTIONS May use Preset Filters or select up to 12 additional from Manual Filter List Jean will cover the next 3 filters we can not show during the workshop
Filter by Date Filter by Type of Date: For all date related fields Jean
Filter by Type of Amount Filter by Type of Amount: For dollar amount or percentages Jean
Segmenting Your Caseload in CMT Order Obtained Case Management Cases with no order Needs Payment Needs Locate Generate S&C Transition slide for talking about how we will now go to CMT to provide a demonstration of how we might segment cases in any given caseload Needs Locate NCP Served Find Address Default
Establishment Case Management > Cases with no existing order > Cases with no S&C To find cases that need an S&C Case Management > Cases with no existing order > Cases with S&C but no valid address To find cases where an S&C has been generated, but NCP is in locate Case Management > Cases with no existing order > Cases with S&C, valid address, but not served To find cases where an S&C has been generated and NCP needs to be served After we have demonstrated CMT, we can quickly show how the next 3 slides will be apart of the PPT so they can review, add or delete what will work for them when they are back in the office
Enforcement Case Management > Current Support Federal Performance Measure > Current Support FPM (preset filter = Enforcement) Filter this by type of date, and work cases that have not received a payment this FFY Case Function Lists > Enforcement > Medical Only (preset filter = Enforcement) Filter this by case segmentation to find MNO or zero orders Case Function Lists > Enforcement > Arrears only (preset filter = Enforcement) Filter by last payment date to find arrears only cases where you need to obtain consistent payments Case Management > Current Support Federal Performance > NCP older than 60 years old Find NCPs with pending SSA benefits to issue a Lump Sum IWO
High Priority Projects High Priority Projects - Could be Either Establishment or Enforcement High priority projects > Cases requiring a monthly review > Cases with nonpaying active employer Filter by last payment date to find cases where you need to follow up with the employer or NCP to obtain payments High priority projects > Cases requiring a monthly review > Cases with self-employed NCP Filter this by last payment date to find NCPs who are self-employed but have not made a payment recently High priority projects > Cases requiring a monthly review > Cases with an unknown NCP name To find cases that may qualify for closure or need follow up Other Queries to Review Case Management > Affects Multiple Performance Measures > NCP/CP with the Same Address
Tips and Tricks Hover over the word “notes” Ctrl + up or down on the mouse to make the font bigger LCSA Secured Website will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity Work your cases in CMT when CSE goes down (locate cases) Update the Next Follow up Date, Case Segmentation, and Notes Customize the Segmentation Values for your County The Last Submitted Query will be saved as a default Click Save! Jennifer will lead the conversation on tips and tricks. Jean will likely discuss #7
The Future of CMT Jean will discuss the future of CMT
CMT Advisory Workgroup Quarterly net meetings to discuss current changes, training issues, and enhancements Information on the Advisory Group can be found on CA Central Forums CMT Advisory Group All current enhancements can be found by selecting “Enhancements” from the left navigation pane Users wishing to submit an enhancement should first obtain their Director’s approval
Cassandra Holzhauer Cassandra.Holzhauer@ventura.org Jean Hooper jean.hooper@dcss.ca.gov David Kilgore David_Kilgore@cssd.lacounty.gov Jennifer Shank Jennifer.Shank@sonoma-county.org Speakers names in alpha order