MOODLE QUESTIONNAIRES: APPEALING OR TROUBLESOME TOOL IN TEACHING/LEARNING GENERAL CHEMISTRY AT UNIVERSITIES? Manuel Miró, Montserrat R. Delgado, Antoni Femenia, Joan Perelló, Fernando Tur Department of Chemistry, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. EDULEARN-11, Barcelona, July 4-6
Aims Investigating the potential of Moodle Questionnaires for compiling a useful virtual database of questions and answers Application to a General Chemistry course for agriculture engineers Investigating the potential of Moodle as active platform for formative evaluation and getting knowledge of achievement of students’ expected competences Assessment of students’ marks as compared with subjects wherein Moodle Questionnaires are not being exploited Investigating the potential of Moodle as active asynchronous platform for assisting students in the process of learning
Building of Moodle Questionnaires GENERAL CHEMISTRY Chemistry lab and security Unit operations in chemistry lab Atomic structure and chemical bonding Inorganic formulation and stoichiometry Organic chemistry Thermochemistry, thermodynamics and equilibrium Chemical kinetics Equilibrium in solution Titration in aqueous media
Building of Moodle Questionnaires Moodle questionnaire is being generated by sweeping exercises from the pool of queries (right hand side) into the questionnaire screen (left hand side)
Moodle marks against final course marks in General Chemistry The least squares plot with a correlation factor of indicates a moderately strong relationship between both marks supported by the goodness-of-fit (p=0.536> 0.05) Moodle Questionnaires play a significant role in the formative evaluation of students to keep track of their learning progress and expectations of gaining the competences by the end of the course
Students’ average rating (from 0 to 10) of varied learning methodologies involving resolution of exercises/tasks related to General Chemistry
ADVANTAGES in using Moodle Questionnaires: Promote students’ self-learning Facilitate students’ formative evaluation for ascertainment of competences gained as supported by on-line educator feedback Guide students to concentrate further efforts in those topics with low marks Foster educator’s formative evaluation to follow the learning process of each individual student Assist educator in better scheduling of synchronous activities
PITFALLS in using Moodle Questionnaires: Fraud in Moodle Questionnaires is fairly easy: We have detected groups of students gathering in computer rooms at UIB to solve together the questionnaire and deliver identical answers Students are merely interested in marks in lieu of their own learning process Preparation of random questionnaires (that is, a unique questionnaire per student) is a time consuming task for educators to compile sufficient material Implementation of figures in the answers of Moodle Questionnaires is rather cumbersome.
Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge financial support from the University of the Balearic Islands within the call of innovative projects (2010/2011) aimed at improving the quality of learning processes in Higher Education Institutions.