Progressive Era “We’ve got to start to make this world over. (Thomas Edison,1912 )
THE BIG IDEA Beginning in the late 1800s, reformers known as Progressives worked to try to solve the problems of American Society
Industrialization caused problems Unemployment and labor unrest Wasteful use of natural resources Abuses of corporate power
Urbanization – move from farm to city Cities full of problems – poverty, disease, crime and political corruption Influx of immigrants and rise of a new manager class upset earlier class alignments Depression from 1893 – 1897 convinced people that “equality of opportunity” was a myth – NO WAY OUT
Who Were the Progressives New middle class of young professionals Apply professional principles Strong faith in progress and education Volunteerism can solve problems Most were city dwellers and focused on city problems
Progressives included: Socialists Labor Leaders Child Labor reformers Government reformers Muckrakers (Reporters)
American Socialist Party Government control of property and income End capitalist system (inequality) Redistribute wealth Nationalize industries No revolution – change through elections Socialist Party formed 1901
GOALS OF THE PROGRESSIVES Prevent businesses from treating other companies unfairly Improve safety and working conditions Outlaw child labor Create programs to help –sick, unemployed, and elderly Reduce government corruption Give women the right to vote
The Muckrakers Why were they called Muckrakers? Who functions like a muckraker in our modern society? Who is a muckraker in Buffalo New York?
Muckrakers Lincoln Steffens Ida Tarbell Upton Sinclair
In 1890 Jacob Riis ( ) published “How the Other Half Lives,” including his photograph of children sleeping on the streets of New York. Photo courtesy of Library of Congress.
Muckraking vs. Yellow Journalism
The two are often confused What are the Similarities?
Virtually the Same… but
There are Differences!
Something to think about – Homework
Progressive Legislation 1890 – Sherman Anti-Trust Act Outlawed monopolies and unfair business practices U.S. Forest Service – manage nation’s water and timber resources 1906 – Meat Inspection Act – Federal inspection of meat processing 1906 – Pure Food and Drug Act – outlawed dishonest labeling 1913 – Department of Labor created – promote welfare and safety of working people
The Progressive Presidents Woodrow Wilson 28th President Theodore Roosevelt 26 th President Wm. Howard Taft 27th President
Women can finally VOTE 19th Amendment passed in 1920 Voting population is doubled Women take their rightful place in a democratic republic