What was the goal of the Progressive era?. To fix the problems caused by industrialization (to make things better in America)


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Presentation transcript:

What was the goal of the Progressive era?

To fix the problems caused by industrialization (to make things better in America)

What were some things that needed to be fixed (reformed) in America?

child labor long working hours low wages discrimination poor living conditions unsafe working conditions in factories unclean food conditions

What is a reform?

A change

What is suffrage?

The right to vote

How did women win the right to vote?

Marches speeches hunger strikes

What famous women worked for the Suffrage Movement?

Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton

What did the 19 th amendment do?

Gave women the right to vote

What was the goal of the Temperance Movement?

To make alcohol illegal

Why did many women believe Temperance was important?

Drinking caused too many problems

Who was Cary Nation?

Woman who used an ax to destroy bars

What was prohibition?

When it was illegal to make and sell alcohol

What was the 18 th amendment?

Made selling and making alcohol illegal

Why didn’t prohibition work?

Too difficult to control

What did the 21 st amendment do?

repealed prohibition (alcohol no longer illegal)

What was a muckraker?

a person who shows or tells others about the bad things that are happening in the cities

What types of jobs may a muckraker have?

photographer cartoonist author journalist

Who wrote the book, The Jungle?

Upton Sinclair

What problem of industrialization does The Jungle tell people about?

unclean and unsafe conditions in the meatpacking industry (in the meat factories)

What were the outcomes of The Jungle? (When people read The Jungle, what happened?

The Pure Food & Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act were passed and made meat, other foods and medicines more safe

What problem did Jacob Riis’s book, How the Other Half Lives, tell readers?

told people about the terrible living conditions of the tenements

Who was Boss Tweed?

A political boss who stole $10 million of NYC’s tax money

What happened to Boss Tweed?

Thomas Nast drew a cartoon of Boss Tweed getting fat off of tax payers’ money…police arrested Boss Tweed

What was the 17 th amendment?

Direct election of senators (you couldn’t just be given the job because you had a lot of money or you were friends with someone)

What was the Civil Service Commission?

made it so you had to pass a test to get hired for a federal job (postman, etc.)