Sergiy Krasnokutski and Dong-Sheng Yang University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA $ National Science Foundation $
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Wavenumber (cm -1 )
1 A' 2 A' 1 A' 2 A" 3 A" 4 A" 1A12B11A12B1 E (cm -1 )
Li-pyridine Li-pyridazine LUMO
Li-pyridineCa-pyridineSc-pyridineLi-pyridazineCa-pyridazine Type of the bond ?? dissociation energy (cm -1 ) Experiment* dissociation energy (cm -1 ) calculation ??? Ionization energy (cm -1 ) experiment Ionization energy (cm -1 ) calculation * where from collision induced dissociation experiment