UNIT 6 Mastery Rubric – The Periodic Table Name:Class Hr: Objective 6-1: Development of Periodic Table TARGETSRESOURCESSelf-Evaluation Got It Need Help Lost A.Explain how Dmitri Mendeleev organized elements in his initial table & Henry Moseley changed it. Text pgs A. B.Explain what is periodic about the periodic table. Text pg 157 B. Objective 6-2: Organization of Periodic Table TARGETSRESOURCESSelf-Evaluation Got It Need Help Lost A. Locate metals, non-metals, and metalloids, and their different properties. Text pgs Practice Worksheet A. B. Determine the charge of an ion and explain its meaning. Text pg 172 Practice Worksheet B. C. List the names of the families and their properties. Text pgs Practice Worksheet MASTERY SCORE:
Objective 6-3 : Trends in the Periodic Table TARGETSRESOURCESSelf-Evaluation Got It Need Help Lost A.Use electron configurations to determine the family of an element. Text pgs Practice Wkst A. B.Identify & explain grp/period trends in atomic radii Text pgs Practice Wkst B. C. Identify & explain grp/period trends in ionization energy Text pgs Practice Wkst C. D. Identify & explain grp/period trends in electronegativity Text pg 177 Practice Wkst D. E. Identify & explain trends in size of ions versus parent atom Text pgs 172 & 176 Practice Wkst E. MASTERY SCORE: COLLABORATION: Individual & with OthersMASTERY SCORE: TARGETSEvidenceSelf-Evaluation Did My Best Decent Effort Poor Effort A. Individual Investment in your own learning A. B.Contributed to the learning of a chemistry classmate B.
LAB WORKMASTERY SCORE: TARGETSSelf-Evaluation Yes No A. Turn in all labs on time and complete (deduct 2 pts of 10 for each incident) A. Final Unit Score /