Project Natural and Technological Hazards in Europe Philipp Schmidt-Thomé
Contents Summarizing final results of ESPON Hazards Examples of policy recommendations Planning response towards natural and technological hazards Selected hazard maps Aggregated hazard and risk maps Climate change affecting natural hazards European Regions with specific hazard typologies
Summary of selected policy recommendations I. Guiding principles: 1.Employ risk management as an integral and explicit part of EU cohesion policy. Improve coordination of policy measures at all spatial scales 2.Integration of both substantial goals and procedural rules related to vulnerability reduction and risk mitigation into policies and programmes
Policy recommendations II II. EU-level instruments 1.Coordination of the use of Structural Funds for risk management, by e.g. using criteria relevant to risk and vulnerability to guide and support funding through the Structural Fund objectives 2.Ensuring the effective implementation of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) directive; integrating risk mitigation principles for planning into its implementation
Policy recommendations III III. Meso-level (national, transnational co-operation, Interreg) Recognition of the upgraded status of risk mitigation in the remodelled cohesion policy for the period , including principles of vulnerability reduction and risk mitigation in the programme guidelines. Adoption of Strategic Environmental Assessment directive (2001/42/EC) by member states, preferably in a uniform fashion across Europe Enhancing the use of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) for integrating land use planning and water resources management in support of risk management (not only water quality) purposes
Planning response, example on risks Split up "risk" into the elements: hazard potential, damage potential and coping capacity Framework for monitoring not only on risk but also for monitoring the elements of risk Within this framework it is possible to monitor the hazards impact and the vulnerability (damage potential and coping capacity) of an area Risk monitoring thus has a major role in defining and deciding on actions like mitigation and reaction (preparedness, response, recovery)
Natural hazards Avalanches Drought potential Earthquakes Extreme temperatures Floods Forest fires Landslides Storms Storm surges Tsunamis Volcanic activities
Technological hazards Air traffic Major accident hazards (chemical plants) Nuclear Power plants Oil transport, storage and handling
The making of the Forest fires map I
The making of the Forest fires map II
Resulting forest fire hazard map
Chemical production plants
Weighting of hazards – the Delphi method
Aggregated natural hazards
Aggregated technological hazards
Aggregated hazards map
Vulnerability concept
Vulnerability map
Aggregated risk map
Change of dry spell affecting drought potential
Change in precipitation affecting flood potential
Length of dry spell affecting forest fires
Hazard interactions (of highest hazard degrees)
Hazard clusters: flood and landslides
Hazard interactions in Interreg IIIB areas
1.3.1 indicators on NUTS 3 level covering the entire ESPON 27+2 area 11 Natural hazard indicators 4 Technological hazard indicators 3 Aggregated hazard indicators 3 Vulnerability indicators 3 Risk indicators 5 Climate change indicators (not available for remote areas)
Thank you very much for your attention! Thanks to the HAZARDS Consortium and to the ESPON CU for the excellent cooperation!