Broadening Participation in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) W. Lance Haworth Executive Officer Division of Materials Research AGEP Workshop, San Juan, PR – 27 January 2006
Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences Assistant Director for Mathematical and Physical Sciences Division of Chemistry Division of Chemistry Division of Materials Research Division of Materials Research Division of Mathematical Sciences Division of Mathematical Sciences Division of Physics Division of Physics Division of Astronomical Sciences Office of Multidisciplinary Activities
Broadening Participation The Face of American Science A Huge Challenge for MPS Science Is Not the Face of America
Broadening Participation in MPS Science Strategy Robust MPS presence in NSF-wide activities Research based and embedded throughout MPS Build capacity through partnerships LA-STEMPREMHamptonLIGO Every MPS program director can have an impact!
Merit Review Criteria What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? –how good is this stuff? What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? –so what? NSF invests in the best ideas from the most capable people, determined by competitive merit review Reviewer Selection!!!
Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (OMA) Catalyze & Support Emerging, Cross-Cutting Areas Champion Broadened Participation in MPS Enable and Facilitate through –Partnerships –Innovative models for education –Broadly enabling infrastructure –New research modalities –Integration of research and education ** OMA does not accept or review proposals **
Broadening Participation in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences A FEW EXAMPLES Activities range from pre-college students and teachers to university faculty
Research Experiences for Teachers Research Experience for Undergraduates Discovery-based learning experiences Partner with Cornell University projects in nuclear and high energy physics Wayne State Physics More than 300 MPS REU (or similar) sites >50% female, ~20% minorities REU and RET coupled for synergy 30 RET sites, 225 teachers Program has reached >600,000 K12 students
Faculty Recruiting ACS Academic Employment Initiative Symposia on the academic hiring process Poster session for prospective faculty members Objectives More inclusive hiring More efficient hiring
Building Strong Academic Chemistry Departments through Gender Equity K. Houk, UCLA and C. Friend, Harvard GenderEquityWorkshop/index.html January 29-31, 2006 Arlington, VA
Alliance for the Production of African American Ph.D.s in the Mathematical Sciences The Alliance consists of mathematics departments at four Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) together with departments in the mathematical sciences at the three Iowa Regents universities Less than 2% of all Ph.D. in mathematics awarded at US universities each year are awarded to African Americans, a percentage that has remained static over the last 25 years. The goal of this project is to ease the transition to graduate programs in mathematics for students attending HBCUs, with the aim of improving these numbers.
2006 Conference February San Jose, CA
P. Vashishta, R. Kalia, A. Nakano DMR W. Goddard, T. Cagin, P. Meulbroek, M. Ortiz, A. van Duin DMR and A. Grama DMR Supported under an ITR award at USC : De Novo Hierarchical Simulations of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Materials Computational Science Workshop for Underrepresented Groups Participants: 25 undergraduate students and 10 faculty mentors, primarily from Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority Serving Institutions. Hands on experience in parallel computing, Grid computing and visualization. Participants built a parallel computer and then used it to perform a number of parallel computing exercises.
Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) ….broaden participation in materials research and education by stimulating the development of long-term, collaborative partnerships between minority institutions and DMR-supported groups, centers and facilities Awards to minority institutions Up to $750K/year for 5 years First 4 awards in FY04 –CSULA (Cal Tech MRSEC) –FAMU (Carnegie-Mellon MRSEC) –UPR Humacao (Penn MRSEC) –UPR Mayaguez (Wisconsin MRSEC and NIRT) FY06 competition currently underway Summer 05 - UPR Mayaguez PREM
Broadening Participation – The Challenge FY05 COMPETITIVE RESEARCH AWARDS ALL PIsFEMALE PI MINORITY PI NSF # % of AWARDS % % 310 5% MPS # % of AWARDS % % 80 5% DMR # % of AWARDS % 43 16% 22 8%
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