Argonowski CC BY SA 3.0, 2008. Europe 2020 Blue Growth A resource Efficient Europe An Innovation Union Development of innovative sectors Sustainable development.


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Presentation transcript:

Argonowski CC BY SA 3.0, 2008

Europe 2020 Blue Growth A resource Efficient Europe An Innovation Union Development of innovative sectors Sustainable development of maritime economy An industrial policy for the globalisation era Competitiveness of maritime activities Agenda for new skills and jobs Development of necessary skills Blue Growth

Innovation Sustainability Economic Growth Employment +

Supporting economic activities for coastal regions and communities Coastal regions home to over 205 million people 88 million people work there The blue economy represents nearly 500 billion GVA and 5.6 million jobs Hans Hillewaert CC BY SA 3.0, 2008 Blue Growth

Blue Growth study A picture of the maritime economy Mature, emerging and prospective sectors Assessment of strengths and weaknesses Policy considerations

Activities with high growth and employment prospects Manuel Zublena, 2007 Blue Growth Mature economic activities Coastal tourism and yachting Offshore oil and gas Coastal protection Short sea shipping Emerging sectors Cruise tourism Offshore wind Marine monitoring and surveillance Marine aquatic products Sectors in pre- development phase Ocean renewable energy Marine mineral mining Blue biotechnology

Foresight growth scenarios

Framework conditions for growth – drivers & bottlenecks Ross, CC BY SA 2.0, 2008Blue Growth Marine and maritime R&D&I Access to finance Public acceptance Skills needs Clusters to build critical mass Essential smart infrastructure IMP initiatives Maritime Spatial Planning Marine Knowledge Integrated maritime surveillance Sea-basin strategies

Blue Growth Communication September 2012 Link to Europe 2020 Sea Basins Growth Policies (Short Sea Shipping, LeaderShip, innovation, research, technology) Specific objectives: Aquaculture Maritime Tourism Blue Biotech Seabed mining Ocean Energy

The Limassol Declaration 8 October 2012 Builds on Europe 2020 From Concept to Delivery Link to Blue Book 2007 Maritime Policy agenda for next 5 years + Innovation Sustainability, Growth, Jobs Access to finance: MFF

Maritime Spatial Planning (and ICZM) Enable Growth at sea – harness potential Sustainability EU objectives Human activities at sea are at the core

Study on economic effects of MSP (estimates): Lower coordination cost Reduced Administrative costs Lower transaction costs: 400 million – 1,8 billion euros in 2030 Enhanced investment climate: 155 million – 1.6 billion euros in 2030

Why EU action? Added value: Supports and strengthens ongoing development Cross-border cooperation Seamless integration Efficiency gain, transparency, predictability, stability No interest: Micromanagement Adding needless regulation

Examples Energy North Sea offshore grid Re-use of oil platforms Interaction with shipping, fisheries, MPAs Needs to cut costs – planning, licensing, research etc. Environment MSFD implementation Natura 2000 Fisheries Complementarities?

A few fundamentals Defining objectives to guide MSP Developing MSP in a transparent manner Stakeholder participation Coordination and simplifying decision processes Cross-border cooperation and consultation Incorporating monitoring and evaluation in the planning process Achieving coherence between terrestrial and maritime spatial planning Strong data and knowledge base

Blue Growth Blue Growth for the optimal use of marine resources Contribution of the blue economy to Europe's growth There is sustainable growth potential in all maritime areas - All we need is to make it work

Thank you for your attention